Monday, September 30, 2019
Job Analysis and Human Resource Requirement
* HR Career Feature Job Analysis in Human Resources by Surajit Sen Sharma Human resources personnel need to be prepared to modify job specifications and job descriptions on an everyday basis. To achieve organizational success, it is crucial to identify and determine the jobs that the organization needs performed in order to reach its strategic goals. Job analysis is therefore a vital function of human resources. | | | + Enlarge| | Human resource departments must analyze multiple aspects of a company in order to stay in the competition. | | What is job analysis? Job analysis may be defined as a methodical process of collecting information on the functionally relevant aspects of a job. Job analysis tells the human resources personnel: * the time it takes to complete relevant tasks * the tasks that are grouped together under a single job position * the ways to design or structure a job for maximizing employee performance * the employee behavioral pattern associated with performance of the job * the traits and attributes of a proper candidate for the job * the ways the data can be used to develop human resource management What is the need for job analysis? Three major factors create the need for job analysis: * statutory concerns, such as equal employment opportunity * responses to business competitionâ€â€recruiting and retaining talent * technological changes that create new jobs and render others obsolete What are the uses of job analysis information? Job analysis information is used in human resources on a regular basis to define: * Job description: A job description gives an account of the work and duties associated with a particular job. It describes the way the job is performed currently. Most job descriptions contain the following information: * the job name summary description of the job * a list of duties for the job * a list of organizational responsibilities related to the job * Job specifications: Job specifications define the characteristics of the activities associated with the job and given in the job description. They describe the skill sets and qualifications that a candidate for the job should possess. * Job class ification: Job classification groups similar jobs into classes and families. This simplifies the overview for managers and is essential for streamlined functioning of an organization. Job evaluation: Job evaluation involves finding out the monetary worth of a job and helps to set up equitable pay structures. * Job design: Job design integrates employee needs with productivity needs to maximize worker efficiency. The conclusions draw from this data will often be: * Identifying training needs of personnel * Creating recruitment strategies * Making performance reviews Without proper job analysis by the human resources department, it is difficult for any organization to remain competitive and be able to attract and retain talent.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Sexual Orientation
Societal attitudes towards same-sex relationships have varied over time and place, from expecting all males to engage in same-sex relationships, to casual integration, through acceptance, to seeing the practice as a minor sin, repressing it through law entorcement and Judicial mechanisms, and to proscribing it under penalty ot death People with a homosexual orientation can express their sexuality in a variety of ways, and may or may not express it in their behaviors. ] Many have sexual relationships predominately with people of their own gender identity, though some have sexual relationships with those of the opposite gender, bisexual relationships, or none at all The Kinsey scale attempts to describe a person's sexual history or episodes of their sexual activity at a given time. It uses a scale from O, meaning exclusively heterosexual, to 6, meaning exclusively homosexual. It is based on actual sexual behavior surveys.Research indicates that many lesbians and gay men want, and succe ed in having, committed and durable relationships. For example, survey ata indicate that between 40% and 60% of gay men and between 45% and 80% of lesbians are currently involved in a romantic relationship. [110] Survey data also indicate that between 18% and 28% of gay couples and between 8% and 21% of lesbian couples in the U. S. have lived together ten or more years. 110] Studies have found same-sex and opposite-sex couples to be equivalent to each other in measures of satisfaction and commitment in relationships, that age and gender are more reliable than sexual orientation as a predictor of satisfaction and commitment to a relationship, and that people who are heterosexual or homosexual share comparable xpectations and ideals with regard to romantic relationships GENERAL Science has looked at the causes of homosexuality, and more generically the causes of human sexual orientation, with the general conclusions being related to biological and environmental factors.The biological factors that have been researched are genetic and hormonal, particularly during the fetal developmental period, that influence the resulting brain structure, and other characteristics such as handedness. [3][4] There are a wide range of environmental factors (sociological, psychological, or early uterine environment), and various biological factors, that may nfluence sexual orientation; though many researchers believe that it is caused by a complex interplay between nature and nurture, they favor biological models for the cause.Sexual orientation change efforts There are no studies of adequate scientific rigor to conclude whether sexual orientation change efforts work to change a person's sexual orientation. Those efforts have been controversial due to tensions between the values held by some faith- based organizations, on the one hand, and those held by LGBT rights organizations and professional and scientific organizations and other faith-based organizations, on the other. ] The l ongstanding consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that homosexuality per se is a normal and positive variation of human sexual orientation, and therefore not a mental disorder. [9] The American Psychological Association says that â€Å"most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation†. 1 56] Some individuals and groups have promoted the idea of homosexuality as symptomatic of developmental defects or spiritual and moral failings and have argued that sexual orientation change efforts, including psychotherapy and religious efforts, could alter omosexual feelings and behaviors.Many of these individuals and groups appeared to be embedded within the larger context of conservative religious political movements that have supported the stigmatization of homosexuality on political or religious grounds. No major mental health protessional organization nas sanctioned efforts to change sexual orie ntation and virtually all of them have adopted policy statements cautioning the profession and the public about treatments that purport to change sexual orientation.Physical The terms â€Å"Men who have sex with men†(MSM) and â€Å"women who have sex with omen†(WSW) refer to people who engage in sexual activity with others of the same sex regardless of how they identify themselves†as many choose not to accept social identities as lesbian, gay and These terms are often used in medical literature and social research to describe such groups for study, without needing to consider the issues of sexual self-identity.The terms are seen as problematic, however, because they â€Å"obscure social dimensions of sexuality; undermine the self-labeling of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people; and do not sufficiently describe variations in sexual behavior†. 182] MSM and WSW are sexually active with each other for a variety of reasons with the main ones arguably sexual pl easure, intimacy and bonding. In contrast to its benefits, sexual behavior can be a disease vector. Safe sex is a relevant harm reductionphilosophy. 183] The United States currently prohibits men who have sex with men from donating blood â€Å"because they are, as a group, at increased risk for HIV, hepatitis B and certain other infections that can be transmitted by transfusion. â€Å"[ Public health These safer sex recommendations are agreed upon by public health officials for omen who have sex with women to avoid sexually transmitted infections (ST's): Avoid contact with a partner's menstrual blood and with any visible genital lesions.Cover sex toys that penetrate more than one person's vagina or anus with a new condom for each person; consider using different toys for each person. Use a barrier (e. g. , latex sheet, dental dam, cut-open condom, plastic wrap) during oral sex. Use latex or vinyl gloves and lubricant for any manual sex that might cause bleeding. [186] These safer sex recommendations are agreed upon by public health officials for en who have sex with men to avoid sexually transmitted infections: Avoid contact with a partner's bodily fluids and with any visible genital lesions. Use condoms for anal and oral sex.Use a barrier (e. g. , latex sheet, dental dam, cut-open condom) during anal-oral sex. Cover sex toys that penetrate more than one person with a new condom for each person; consider using different toys for each person and use latex or vinyl gloves and lubricant for any sex that might cause bleeding. Gay and lesbian youth See also: Suicide among LGBT youth Gay and lesbian youth bear an increased risk of suicide, substance abuse, school roblems, and isolation because of a â€Å"hostile and condemning environment, verbal and physical abuse, rejection and isolation from family and peers†. 192] Further, LGBT youths are more likely to report psychological and physical abuse by parents or caretakers, and more sexual abuse. Suggested re asons for this disparity are that (1) LGBT youths may be specifically targeted on the basis of their perceived sexual orientation or gender non-conforming appearance, and (2) that â€Å"risk factors associated with sexual minority status, including discrimination, invisibility, and ejection by family members†¦ may lead to an increase in behaviors that are associated with risk for victimization, such as substance abuse, sex with multiple partners, or running away trom nome as a teenager. [ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the Philippines have a distinctive culture but limited legal rights. Gays and lesbians are generally tolerated, if not accepted, within Filipino society, but there is still widespread discrimination. The most visible members of the Filipino LGBT culture, the Bakla, are a distinct group in the Philippines. According to he 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Survey, 11% of sexually active Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 24 have had sex with someone of the same sex. l] Filipino poet and critic Lilia Quindoza Santiago has speculated that Filipino culture may have a more flexible concept of gender because kasarian, the Tagalog word for â€Å"gender†, is defined in less binary terms than the English word gender. [2] Kasarian means â€Å"kind, species, or genus†. [3] The English word gender originally also meant â€Å"kind†. Phil. Survey The Philippines has earned its ranking as one of few gay-friendly countries in the world. Of the 39 countries covered by a global survey, only 17 countries had majorities that accepted homosexuality, with the Philippines ranking at number 10 among the 17.Despite its religiosity, the Philippines is one of the countries in the world where the level of public â€Å"acceptance†of homosexuals is high, according to the results of the survey. The survey titled â€Å"The Global Divide on Homosexuality' conducted by the Us-based Pew Research Center showed t hat 73 percent of adult Filipinos agreed with the statement that â€Å"homosexuality should be accepted by society,†up by nine percentage points from 2002. The percentage of Filipinos who aid society should not accept gays fell from 33 percent in 2002 to 26 percent this year, it added.This high level of acceptance, which is comparable to that found in secular western Europe, is even higher than those found in Japan (54 percent), South Korea (39 percent) or the United States (60 percent), where some states allow gay marriage. â€Å"Brazilians and Filipinos are considerably more tolerant of homosexuality than their countries' relatively high levels of religiosity would suggest,†the Pew survey report said. The Philippines bucked the trend found in the survey showing that gays are mostly accepted in rich and secularized countries.The survey finds that acceptance of homosexuality is particularly widespread in countries where religion is less central in people's lives. The se are also among the richest countries in the world,†the Pew report said. â€Å"In contrast, in poorer countries with high levels of religiosity, few believe homosexuality should be accepted by society,†it added. Religiosity scale The Philippines is said to be one of the most religious countries in the world and almost a third of its population lives below the poverty line.In the surveys â€Å"religiosity scale†where a score of â€Å"3†was the most religious, the Philippines almost got 2. 5. â€Å"Age s also a factor in several countries, with younger respondents offering far more tolerant views than older ones,†the survey report said. And while gender differences are not prevalent, in those countries where they are, women are consistently more accepting of homosexuality than men,†it added. In the Philippines, 78 percent of those aged 18-29 who were interviewed said gays should be accepted, 71 percent for those aged 30-49, and 68 percen t for those 50 years old and above, according to the survey.The report also showed that of the eight countries surveyed in the Asia-Pacific region, the Philippines nad the second highest cceptance rate next to Australia's 79 percent. â€Å"In the Asia-Pacific region, where views of homosexuality are mostly negative, more than seven in 10 in Australia and the Philippines say homosexuality should be accepted by society,†the report said. In contrast, only three percent of people in neighboring Indonesia, nine percent in Malaysia and 21 percent in China said homosexuality should be accepted, the report added.Not impressed However, Filipino gay groups were not impressed by the survey results. When asked if the gay community in the Philippines felt accepted, Jonas Bagas, executive director of the TLF Share Collective, said: â€Å"Hardly. â€Å"l think that the study only reflects the perceived acceptance of the LGBT community based on the high visibility of gay entertainers. It' s acceptance [that is] contingent on how you fit the acceptable stereotype†the gay entertainer, the creative, talented bakla, the lesbian security guard,†Bagas said. â€Å"Once you go outside these stereotypes, that's when you encounter rejection,†he added.Bagas said a Filipino student in a lesbian relationship faces higher probability of getting kicked out of her school than a student in a heterosexual relationship. â€Å"We still have strong biases against gay sex, which for any is still deemed immoral and unnatural. This attitude fosters inequality in our laws, in education, healthcare and even within the family,†Bagas said. The Pew report said those who conducted the survey had face-to-face interviews with 804 Filipinos aged 18 and above from March 10 to April 3 this year. The interviews were conducted in Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilonggo, Ilocano and Bicolano.The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 4. 5 percent. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transge nder (LGBT) people in the Philippines have a distinctive culture but limited legal rights. Gays and lesbians are generally tolerated, f not accepted, within Filipino society, but there is still widespread discrimination. The most visible members of the Filipino LGBT culture, the Bakla, are a distinct group in the Philippines. According to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Survey, 11% of sexually active Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 24 have had sex with someone of the same sex. l] Filipino poet and critic Lilia Quindoza Santiago has speculated that Filipino culture may have a more flexible concept of gender because kasarian, the Tagalog word for â€Å"gender†, is defined in less binary terms than the English word gender. 2] Kasarian means â€Å"kind, species, or genus†. [3] The English word gender originally also meant â€Å"kind†. A bakla is a gay man who displays feminine mannerisms, dresses as a woman, or identifies as a woman. The term itsel f is not the equivalent of the English term but bakla are the most culturally visible subset of gay men in the Philippines.They are often considered a third gender, embodying femaleness (pagkababae) in a male body. [5][6] The term bakla is sometimes used in a derogatory sense, although bakla people have largely embraced it. Bakla individuals are socially and economically integrated into Filipino society and re considered an important part of society. The stereotype of a bakla is a parlorista, a cross-dresser who works in a beauty salon. [7] Miss Gay Philippines is a beauty pageant for bakla. Slang terms for LGBT people and concepts In the Philippines, the term gay is used in reference to any LGBT person.For Filipino gays, the Tagalog phrase paglaladlad ng kapa (â€Å"unturling the cape†), or more commonly Just paglaladlad(â€Å"unfurling†or â€Å"unveiling†) refers to the coming- out process. Tibo, T-Bird and tomboy are derogatory terms for butch lesbians Just as bakla is for effeminate gay men. Some lesbians, both butch and femme, use the erms magic or shunggril to refer to themselves. [4] Neutral slang terms for gay men include billy boy, badette, bading, and paminta (straight-acting gay man).While many of these terms are generally considered derogatory, they are sometimes used casually or Jokingly within the Filipino gay and lesbian community. For example, gay men often refer to their gay friends as bakla when talking to each other. Swardspeak[edit] Main article: Swardspeak This article may be confusing or unclear to readers. Please help us clarify the article; suggestions may be found on the talk page. (October 2013) Swardspeak, or â€Å"gay lingo†, s a cant slang derived from Englog (a Tagalog-English pidgin) and is used by a number of homosexuals in the Philippines. 12] Swardspeak uses elements fromTagalog, English, Spanish and Japanese, as well as celebrities' names and trademark brands, giving them new meanings in different contexts. [13] It is largely localized within gay communities and uses words derived from local languages or dialects, including Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Waray, Bicolano, and/or other Philippine languages. The use of Swardspeak once immediately identified the speaker as homosexual, making it easy for people of that orientation to recognize each other. This created an exclusive group among its speakers and helped them resist cultural assimilation.More recently, though, straight people have also started to use this way of speaking, particularly in industries dominated by gays, such as the fashion and film industries. LGBT Politics: In the Philippines, the Communist Party of the Philippines Marxist-Leninist and Maoist revolutionary proletarian party in the Philippines are the one and first to introduce and promote the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. They recognize the LGBT as part of the bulk of the masses that can encourage and recruit for their revolutionary work. The revolution ary leader admitted that in their rank.The wide spread of sexual intercourse within their rank and same sex that brought their party principle to set a guideline for those belong with the LGBT's. They also allow to married their fellow same sex revolutionary party member as long it will not affect their revolutionary task in the party organization. Document of the CPP-MLM guideline â€Å"Gabay Para sa Rebolusyunaryong Pakikipagrelasyon at Pagpapakasal†. Same-sex relationships data indicate that between ot gay men and between 4 expectations and ideals with regard to romantic relationships. Sexual Orientation In our day and age, being of a sexual orientation other than heterosexual is somewhat common. Though it is definitely not considered a norm, it is more accepted in most parts of the world. A few years ago, people who were not heterosexual had to hide who they really were in order to be accepted by society. Because of this norm, one automatically assumes they are straight whether it comes to themselves or others. So how do homosexual/asexual people become conscious of their sexual orientation? In the same way that gender is a spectrum, sexuality is a spectrum as well.There are four distinct sexualities. Heterosexual, or straight, people are attracted to members of the opposite sex. Bisexuals are attracted to members of both genders. Homosexuals are attracted to people of the same sex. Homosexuals can be called gay, for both genders, or lesbian, for females only. The last sexuality is asexual, in which there is no attraction to either sexes. Psychologists say that sexuality is determin ed in the early stages of childhood but is not a conscious decision. Basically, people are born with their sexuality.That being said, many parents assume there might be something off about their child if they show interest in activities meant for the opposite sex. If their little girl doesn't like to dress up and would rather play in the dirt, parents start to get suspicious. If their little boy likes dolls and is not all that interested in going outside or playing video games, parents think there's a possibility of them being gay. But a very important thing to understand about sexuality is that there is no way to tell what sexuality someone is just by how masculine or feminine they are.That is because, like afore mentioned, gender is a spectrum. There are gay men that are very masculine but then some that are also extremely feminine. There are lesbians that seem like straight girls to there because they aren't as masculine as the stereotypical lesbian. This applies to other sexuali ties as well. Straight men and women can also be very feminine or masculine, respectively. Personality and curiosity does not completely determine one's sexuality. Sexuality is not something that can be changed. People tend to suppress their feelings if they aren't straight, but that does not change who they really are.Many think that going to therapy can ‘fix' a gay/bi/asexual person, but that does not do anything either. It is not an illness, a mental disorder, or a problem of any sort. Just like being straight, ices who they are. Trying to change someone has proven to be not only ineffective, but also possibly damaging. Nadine and Vain are straight, and they know this based on the pure fact that they aren't attracted to girls. This wasn't a hard thing for them to realize because that sexuality is what is expected. Both have straight parents, and a majority of straight friends.There was never a need for them to have to realize that they were something different, because acco rding to society, they are normal. But someone who doesn't feel anything for the opposite sex, or feels for everyone, or no one at all, how do they know? After hearing the experiences of many internet sensations who have come out as being gay such as Connors Franca, Troy Siva, and Tyler Oakley (major supporter of GSA [Gay Straight Alliance]), we learned that they always knew that they were a little different, supporting work by psychologists at the American Psychiatric Association.In Connors case, he was not able to pinpoint exactly what was different about him until he was 12 years old, when he just randomly thought, â€Å"What if I'm game At 22, he did not come to terms with his sexuality until this year. Throughout high school, he dated girls to did his sexuality, primarily lying to himself. Once he finally allowed himself to accept it, he realized that his friends and family would support him no matter what, and that was when he stopped suppressing his feelings.Connors hid his feelings in fear that people would treat him differently and rightly so. People with an ‘uncommon' sexuality are discriminated and hated against around the world. The U. S. Is one of the most accepting countries for these people, but there are still hate crimes committed against them. Forget the crimes, gay people are not even allowed to openly serve in the U. S. Military. Until gently, Openly gay boys Were not allowed in Boy Scouts. Even now, if the boys are all staying in the same area, the gay boys have to stay in a separate area.Learning about all these things would definitely add to a person's confusion and cause them to suppress their emotions. Once social stigma against homo/bi/a-sexual people stops, they can be more comfortable with whom they are and the coming out process will be much easier. Once they realize what their feelings mean, the transition of their sexuality from subconscious to fully aware will become smoother and that is something we as a species should b e aiming for. Sexual Orientation In our day and age, being of a sexual orientation other than heterosexual is somewhat common. Though it is definitely not considered a norm, it is more accepted in most parts of the world. A few years ago, people who were not heterosexual had to hide who they really were in order to be accepted by society. Because of this norm, one automatically assumes they are straight whether it comes to themselves or others. So how do homosexual/asexual people become conscious of their sexual orientation? In the same way that gender is a spectrum, sexuality is a spectrum as well.There are four distinct sexualities. Heterosexual, or straight, people are attracted to members of the opposite sex. Bisexuals are attracted to members of both genders. Homosexuals are attracted to people of the same sex. Homosexuals can be called gay, for both genders, or lesbian, for females only. The last sexuality is asexual, in which there is no attraction to either sexes. Psychologists say that sexuality is determin ed in the early stages of childhood but is not a conscious decision. Basically, people are born with their sexuality.That being said, many parents assume there might be something off about their child if they show interest in activities meant for the opposite sex. If their little girl doesn't like to dress up and would rather play in the dirt, parents start to get suspicious. If their little boy likes dolls and is not all that interested in going outside or playing video games, parents think there's a possibility of them being gay. But a very important thing to understand about sexuality is that there is no way to tell what sexuality someone is just by how masculine or feminine they are.That is because, like afore mentioned, gender is a spectrum. There are gay men that are very masculine but then some that are also extremely feminine. There are lesbians that seem like straight girls to there because they aren't as masculine as the stereotypical lesbian. This applies to other sexuali ties as well. Straight men and women can also be very feminine or masculine, respectively. Personality and curiosity does not completely determine one's sexuality. Sexuality is not something that can be changed. People tend to suppress their feelings if they aren't straight, but that does not change who they really are.Many think that going to therapy can ‘fix' a gay/bi/asexual person, but that does not do anything either. It is not an illness, a mental disorder, or a problem of any sort. Just like being straight, ices who they are. Trying to change someone has proven to be not only ineffective, but also possibly damaging. Nadine and Vain are straight, and they know this based on the pure fact that they aren't attracted to girls. This wasn't a hard thing for them to realize because that sexuality is what is expected. Both have straight parents, and a majority of straight friends.There was never a need for them to have to realize that they were something different, because acco rding to society, they are normal. But someone who doesn't feel anything for the opposite sex, or feels for everyone, or no one at all, how do they know? After hearing the experiences of many internet sensations who have come out as being gay such as Connors Franca, Troy Siva, and Tyler Oakley (major supporter of GSA [Gay Straight Alliance]), we learned that they always knew that they were a little different, supporting work by psychologists at the American Psychiatric Association.In Connors case, he was not able to pinpoint exactly what was different about him until he was 12 years old, when he just randomly thought, â€Å"What if I'm game At 22, he did not come to terms with his sexuality until this year. Throughout high school, he dated girls to did his sexuality, primarily lying to himself. Once he finally allowed himself to accept it, he realized that his friends and family would support him no matter what, and that was when he stopped suppressing his feelings.Connors hid his feelings in fear that people would treat him differently and rightly so. People with an ‘uncommon' sexuality are discriminated and hated against around the world. The U. S. Is one of the most accepting countries for these people, but there are still hate crimes committed against them. Forget the crimes, gay people are not even allowed to openly serve in the U. S. Military. Until gently, Openly gay boys Were not allowed in Boy Scouts. Even now, if the boys are all staying in the same area, the gay boys have to stay in a separate area.Learning about all these things would definitely add to a person's confusion and cause them to suppress their emotions. Once social stigma against homo/bi/a-sexual people stops, they can be more comfortable with whom they are and the coming out process will be much easier. Once they realize what their feelings mean, the transition of their sexuality from subconscious to fully aware will become smoother and that is something we as a species should b e aiming for.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Accountings for manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Accountings for manager - Essay Example Financial statements are prepared with the intention of providing information that can be used by investors for taking decisions relating to investments. At the end of every financial year business concerns prepare Profit and Loss a/c and Balance Sheet.The P & L a/c reflects the result of the business operations for a period of time and balance sheet gives a summary of the assets and liabilities of a business undertaking on a particular date. However, these two statements fail to explain certain major transactions that take place during the year. Balance sheet is a statutory statement. It does not sharply focus on those major transactions that took place behind the balance sheet change. One can draw inferences from the balance sheet about major financial transactions, only after comparing the balance sheet of two accounting periods. Thus, it has to prepare a statement explaining the reason for change in financial position from one accounting period with another.A cash flow statement is a financial statement, which shows inflows and outflows of cash of a firm. It is a description of the sources and applications of funds in business activities during an accounting period. It gives explanations to changes in the balance sheet figures between two accounting periods. Thus, managers can easily understand the changes in cash position between two accounting periods. It is also known as statement of changes in financial position.... A cash equivalent is that investment which has the maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition. From the equity investments are normally excluded, unless they are in substance a cash equivalent (e.g. preferred shares acquired within three months of their specified redemption date). Bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand and which form an integral part of an enterprise's cash management are also included as a component of cash and cash equivalents. (Summary of International Financial Reporting Standards 2008). The main principles specified by IAS 7 for the preparation of cash flow statement are as follows: 1. Operating activities are the main revenue-producing activities of the enterprise. So operating cash flows include cash received from customers and cash paid to suppliers and employees [IAS 7.14]. 2. Investing activities are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments that are not considered to be cash equivalents [IAS 7.6]. 3. Financing activities are activities that alter the equity capital and borrowing structure of the enterprise [IAS 7.6]. 4. Interest and dividends received and paid may be classified as operating, investing, or financing cash flows, provided that they are classified consistently from period to period [IAS 7.31]. 5. Cash flows arising from taxes on income are normally classified as operating, unless they can be specifically identified with financing or investing activities [IAS 7.35]. For operating cash flows, the direct method of presentation is encouraged, but the indirect method is acceptable [IAS 7.18]. (Summary of International Financial Reporting
Friday, September 27, 2019
Different aspects of econimic growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Different aspects of econimic growth - Essay Example Upon undertaking the stated consideration through reference to the classical and the neo-classical economists, one finds that growth is alternately linked to capital accumulation and technological progress. Classical economists maintain that economic growth is inextricably linked to the unlimited supply of labor. As Lewis (1954) explains, plentiful supplies of cheap labor comprise the key to both economic growth and sustained growth. The presence of unlimited labor supplies at subsistence wages functions as a predicator of expanded growth, insofar as cheap labor implies low production costs and plentiful labor enables the evolution of several labor-intensive industries, implying that growth is not reliant on one industry and sector but on several. The neoclassical economists, as may be inferred from both Lewis (1954) and Allen (2005) largely concede to the above-mentioned but highlight their limitations. Quite simply stated, unlimited supplies of labor is not a permanent situation with the American South's reliance on slave labor and the subsequent abrupt halt of that reliance, functioning as a case in point. This means, and as borne out by the history of both the British Industrial Revolution and the South's large-scale plantation era that growth as predicated on unlimited supply of subsistence wage labor is not a stable strategy/means for economic growth. Accordingly, technological innovations, especially as in the automation of the means of production, step in as a central component of economic growth (Lewis, 1954; Allen, 2005). Consequently, one may argue that technological innovations and developments pick up from where labor leaves of, in which case both explanations for economic growth emerge as complimentary, rather t han as alternatives. The pace of economic growth, however, is determined by variables other than those outlined in the preceding paragraphs. Within the context of neoclassical economic theory, the predominant growth model is the Kuznets cycle. As per the aforementioned, the pace, or rate of economic growth is measured in terms of cycles, ranging from 10 to 60 to 100 year cycles, with the twenty-year one being the most popular or viable. In accordance with this particular perspective on economic growth rate, during a long swing/rate of growth cycle, an economy first experiences an expansion stage, supposedly accompanied by the accumulation of capital. The expansion phase is followed by a continued period of sustained growth, although with growth rates measured lower than in the preceding phase. The third phase, marking the termination of the second, is the depression stage, where economic growth slows down to a halt, possibly culminating in negative growth. From the neoclassical perspective, the aforement ioned theory of the pace of economic growth is validated through historical examples, encompassing the experiences of the United States and Great Britain, among others. A close reading of both Lewis (1954) and Allen (2005) explanations of growth and pace of growth, alongside class notes, highlight another important set of economic factors. These are surplus and capital accumulation both of which, when taken in conjunction, effectively explain why nation economies are able to sustain themselves during periods of depression, supposing of course, that the latter is not extended and extensive. Basically, periods of rapid economic growth
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Business Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Business Decision Making - Assignment Example In order to study the topic, a research is conducted on the coffee market of London to analyze the emerging market trends. This would help in presenting a report to the senior management for the introduction of a new coffee-based drink for coffee shop customers. As the product development coordinator of the coffee packaging company it is important that I should conduct primary research. This would help in determining the consumer profile, their preferences, attitudes and buying behaviors related to coffee. This information would be collected through survey questionnaires. The survey would be conducted on a random sample and not systemic one. Random sampling will allow the marketer to thoroughly analyze the consumer preference and behavior as everyone will have an equal chance of being selected (Winston, Stevens, Sherwood, & Dunn, 2013). On the contrary, random sampling might also generates some errors such as the sample might not be best suitable for the product, etc. Moreover there is no control in random sampling technique. It should be noted that all the data for the consumer profile, preference and buying behavior will be gathered with the help of primary research i.e. through survey questionnaires. After gathering the primary data and analyzing the consumer preferences etc. the data related to market will be collected and analyzed through secondary research. In the secondary research the data will be gathered with the help of studying market reports related to coffee drinks (Giovannucci & Koekoek, 2003). Furthermore, the secondary research will also identify and analyze some basic elements of coffee industry such as market competitiveness, which are the main competitors, what the market structure is, and how the shares of the coffee market are divided into the key players. All this will be studied with the help
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Tragedy of Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Tragedy of Macbeth - Essay Example Macbeth’s guilt and his words demonstrate that he knows it is an evil act he and his wife have plotted and are talking about in this scene, but having been approached in Act 1, Scene 3 by the Weird Sisters, the three witches, who, before disappearing, give Macbeth their prophesies as to his ascension to the King’s throne, Macbeth seems to reconcile himself to the fact that he must murder the King and fulfill the prophesies. The seed of what is to come has been planted in Macbeth’s mind, and that it is prophesized by the three withes, in Macbeth’s mind, makes it somewhat of a done deed. It is at this point that Scene 1, Act 1 becomes vitally important, because it is in that scene that the withes meet and talk about their ideas, and upon departing the third witch declares, â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair,†which sets the stage for the notion that for every action there is a reaction. Though the result of â€Å"fair is foul,†as it certainly is in the mind of Lady Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 7, there is, too, the end result of what is â€Å"foul is fair,†which is what Macbeth seems to be concerned about in Act 1, Scene 7, when he says, â€Å"False face must hide what the false heart knows.†This, as Macbeth resolves himself to what he is about to do to his kind and friend, Duncan, knowing that it is evil, and his face must not betray what his mind knows lest his evil be detected. There is a balance in the universe that comes from the concept of the idea that for every action there is a reaction, or a balance. Act 1, Scene 7 prepares us for that which will be the reaction to the couple’s murder, in that Macbeth’s troubled conscious will manifest itself in a way that brings physical and mental distress to Macbeth. His wife, who denies her conscious in this scene, will suffer equally great physical and mental distresses. Avarice, the basis for the pair’s evil, will meet with the balancing
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Renaissance in Italy and in Northern Europe Research Paper
Renaissance in Italy and in Northern Europe - Research Paper Example Other factors that contributed to the development of renaissance include the texts brought to Italy when Constantinople fell to the hands of the Ottoman Turks ad the migration of Greek scholars. The following paragraphs provide an exploration of these factors and more. Some historians argue that renaissance had its origin starting from 13th century as depicted by the writings of Francenso Petrarca (1304-1374) and Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), and the painting of Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337). Those who support the view that renaissance started from 1401 point to the rivalry that existed between geniuses Filippo Brunelleschi and Lorenzo Ghiberti as the cause of renaissance. Jensen (1992) reveals that the two people competed to for a contract to construct the bronze doors of the Florence Cathedral’s Baptistery. Other historians hold the view that general competition between polymaths and artists like Masaccio, Ghiberti, Brunelleschi and Donatello for artistic missions caused the explosion of the creativity of renaissance (Jensen, 1992). The socio-political structures in Italy general had a good part to play in the emergence of renaissance. The socio-political structures in Italy general had a good part to play in the emergence of renaissance. This is because there existed a unique political structure in Italy during the Middle Ages. For example, the country did not exist as a political entity. Instead, it was divided into territories and states (Clare and Millen, 1994). Some of the states like the republic of Florence had remarkable merchant Republics for example the Venice Republic. This practice had some features of democracy and the states involved were responsive with belief in liberty and forms of participation in government. Therefore, these states enjoyed a relative political freedom, condition which created conducive environment for artistic and academic advancement. The emergence of renaissance can also be linked to the relative positions of some I talian cities like Venice. These cities were great trading centers and this made them intellectual crossroads. Merchants who came to these cities brought with them ideas from their countries spread over the globe, especially the Levant. Venice was a producer of glass and the gateway for trade between Europe and the East while Florence was the capital of textiles. This brought in much wealth which led to more private and public artistic commissions and people having more leisure time for study (Cronin, 1969). Between 1348-1350, Europe was hit by the Black Plague/Death in Florence. This resulted to a shift in the way the world viewed people and life in general in the 14th-century Italy. For example, familiarity with death caused thinkers to focus more on their lives on earth instead of spirituality and afterlife. The Black Death therefore led to the sponsorship of religious works of art (Clare and Millen, 1994). There was also an unusual social climate in Italy which motivated the dev elopment of rare cultural efflorescence. This situation was more pronounced in Florence because it had a unique cultural life which is though to have caused the emergence of renaissance as a cultural movement (Turner, 2005). In 1453, the Byzantine Empire fell and this was accompanied by the closing of higher learning institutions by the Ottoman Turks. This caused the immigration of many
Monday, September 23, 2019
Operating a Successful Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Operating a Successful Business - Essay Example In whatever activity an individual engages in, it is usually of substantive importance to ensure that there is always a thought about the future. Thinking about the future prospects from an earlier stage helps in proper planning mechanics. Saving from wages received is an important aspect that helps in providing future solutions, while at the same time, proving finances for the expansion of the prospects of a business plan. Financial constraints and problems are usually recurring and in certain instances abrupt. This therefore, calls for an individual to be ready at all times, in order to evade any unfortunate occurrences. Saving therefore, as a means of protecting the future is indeed a perfect approach towards addressing the issues pertaining to future uncertainties, which is a common challenge for businesses. Wastages as a contribution of unregulated and unplanned expenses are also a contributor to financial crisis in businesses. It is in order for businesses to spend money on different aspects that pertain to the successful running of the entity. However, in certain instances, individuals within the organization go overboard by making expenses that add little or no value into the business. Other aspects that contribute towards financial crisis are inadequate control systems, poor incentives, and inappropriate accounting. It is critical to note that with inappropriate determinants, addressing financial crisis could be a giant problem. Minimization of wastages by appropriate budgeting ensures that proper regulations are made in purchasing items that are of greatest needs, other than those that simply satisfy the common needs. However, little known, individual expense reports are also important for families in enabling appropriate budgeting. Many families tend to engage in impulse buying and therefore, find themselves in instances of continuous wastages and little savings.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Child Psychology Services (Part 1) Essay Example for Free
Child Psychology Services (Part 1) Essay Explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people Safeguarding children and young people is a key for all professionals who work in all settings where they have contact with children, more so children who could be more vulnerable than others i.e. a child who struggles with a physical or mental disability. All children need to feel safe and secure and are being taught or mentored by adults they can trust. It is of the upmost importance that the correct people, whether they are full time employees or volunteers are given CRB checks. All agencies involved with children (more so, vulnerable children and young people) must take practical measures to make certain that the risk of harm to children/young people’s wellbeing is minimised. If there are concerns about a child/young person’s welfare then all agencies must take appropriate action to deal with these concerns, i.e. working to the agreed local policies and procedures for safeguarding children, keeping records of all reports made about the child is essential as a source to safeguarding children. Explain the importance of a child or young person centred approach Essential to safeguarding and encouraging the welfare of a child or young person is having a child’s centred approach. This could include seeing and keeping a child focused through difficulties they could be experiencing. Listening and ascertaining a child’s wishes and feelings will be important for the child, especially if they have formed a strong bond with the professional they are opening up to. It will also be imperative to a child if that professional close to them understands their daily lives and what they might be experiencing, no matter how hard it could be for the adult to hear. Crucially the child or young person will know there are people out there to help and support them when they need advice or guidance. It is important for a child centred approach because every child is different and a unique individual. A child’s wishes should always be taken into account. The national framework for Every Child Matters (Children’s Act 2004) was set up to support children or young people to ensure the joining up of services to ensure that each individual achieves the five Every child Matters Outcomes which offer support to children to enable them to be; †¢ Healthy. †¢ Stay safe. †¢ Enjoy and achieve. †¢ Make a positive contribution. †¢ Achieve economic well-being. Explain what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding. When it comes to safeguarding, children are best protected when professionals know what is required of them and how they work together. This means that everyone who works with children has a responsibility for keeping them safe which involves identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action. To carry this out effectively professionals need to work in partnership with each other. Unfortunately, the importance of doing this has come about from professionals failing to protect Victoria Climbie who died in 2000. Her death was preventable as doctors, police and social workers all came into contact with her and had concerns. However, the doctors who treated her discharged her to her abusers care and admitted they assumed the social services would investigate. The social workers were described as incompetent and Victoria’s social worker felt unsupported by her supervisor and described her colleagues as conflicted and chaotic. The police too failed to fully investiga te Victoria’s home (for fear of catching scabies) although close family members and Victoria’s child-minder raised their concerns. Following this case lessons were learnt and recommendations put into place to try and prevent another tragedy where successful partnership working for safeguarding should have stepped in earlier to avoid this abuse. To provide adequate safeguarding measures it helps to have a complete ‘picture’ of the child. Partnership working means each professional, (whether it’s the police, NHS, educations departments, NSPCC or social workers), if they have concerns to do with safeguarding, welfare child protection, they should work with the other agencies in contact with that child. Each of these professionals may have one snapshot and a concern that may, on its own, not necessary need intervention. By working in partnership and sharing information the bigger picture evolves and, if each profession has a different concern, together the dots can be joined and a clearer decision can be made on any intervention measures. To help co-ordinate partnership working professionals use the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) to assess a child’s needs and use the outcomes to provide access to services to provide necessary support. CAF is a voluntary process which is used with informed consent so families do not have to engage and if they do they choose what information that they want to share. The CAF process is aimed to be used when a teacher, the child concerned or their parent raises concerns about that child’s health, development, welfare, behaviour or progress in learning/wellbeing. The information gathered enables an assessment to be made of what help is required and how it will be delivered and by whom. A Team around the Child (TAC) is then created to implement the requirements. The professionals that make a TAC vary from child to child depending on their needs and within the TAC a lead professional will have the responsibility to coordinate the work. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the different organisations that may be involved when a child or young person has been abused or harmed. When a child has been abused or harmed the first line response will be at the point of the allegation or discovery. This could happen in any number of settings, for example at school, in a medical setting or by a child calling child line. All of the agencies or organisations will need to work together but have their own roles in helping the child. Social Services have statutory responsibilities to provide support to vulnerable children and families in need. This may be after a death or when families are finding day to day life difficult. Most social workers are employed by social services. Health Visitors have a responsibility for the health of babies and young children under the age of five. They provide support and guidance to the parents of young children and carry out assessments of the child’s development. General Practitioners (GPs) work in the community, usually from health centres, and are the gateway to other health services. GPs are often the first people to identify possible abuse when a child attends the surgery. Probation Services support people convicted of some offences to be rehabilitated into the community. They have a key role in monitoring people convicted of offences against children and should ensure that those people do not pose a threat to any local children. Police are involved in the criminal proceedings that may result from safeguarding issues. Schools and Training Organisations are key to identifying and supporting children between the ages of 5 18 years when they are in need of help. All staff working with children and young people should be trained in safeguarding and protection. Child Psychology Services will often be needed to support children who have experienced harm or abuse.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
United states search for alternative fuel sources Essay Example for Free
United states search for alternative fuel sources Essay The world over, nation’s economies depend on fuel sources for their growth. Fuel sources are crucial as they offer fuel and act as sources of power for the production of goods and services. A nation’s economic growth is very crucial since it also affects the politics of the nation as well as people’s social life. Consequently, nations have had an increased demand to develop alternative fuel sources. The United States of America has not lacked behind. As a developed nation, it has been compelled to see to it that it develops and adopts alternative fuel sources so as to sustain its economic growth and ensure that the future economy is safe. In the United States of America, the search for alternative fuels was still a matter of concern. Before the year 1920, the super power was still in the verge for searching for alternative fuel sources. In fact, the Stanley Steamer Automobile was not in the market by the mid 1930s (Bernstein, pp 54) the steamer was powered by different types of fuel i.e. gasoline, coal, charcoal, raw petroleum and wood. Combustion of coal and other petroleum products produced smog, which was a health hazard. Gasoline then became the only source of power for motor vehicles (Berinstein, pp 59). Alternative fuels are usually used to mean fuels for motor vehicles but not gasoline. Any other fuel that is not fossil can also be termed as an alternative fuel source. Alternative sources of energy or power like hydroelectric dams and geothermal power plants cannot be said to be alternative fuel sources. Alternative fuel is also known as non-conventional fuels. The term alternative fuels usually refer to renewable sources of energy (Hass, pp 61). Examples of common alternative fuels included biodiesel, ethanol, butanol, chemically stored electricity (batteries fuel cells), peanut oil, hydrogen methane, and natural gas. The growing interest of people desiring to change their way of life is one of the factors which has led to the search for alternative sources of fuel in the United States of America. People desire to raise their living standards by looking for alternative sources of fuel. They need power sources, which are efficient and can be relied on. In addition, United States economy is high and the nation wants to ensure that production and manufacturing of goods and services is not affected so the nation has seen to it that sources of power are efficient and reliable. As a Super power, the United States of America has to ensure that its politics are carried out well not to forget its fight against terrorism which requires effective power sources. One of the reasons for the search for alternative fuel sources is sustainability. The economy, environment, and the geopolitics of the United States of America require sources of fuel which can be sustained. One of the main aims when looking for a source of fuel is its ability to store energy. The energy has to be stored in a form that is stable and that can be transported easily from its point of production to the consumer. Most fuels that store chemical potential energy are referred to as chemical fuels. This is important so that the user will consume the fuel whenever he wants. The energy released is in the form of heat and can be used as a source of power for an engine or a source of heat for a building. Most alternative sources of fuel can be used more than once and can sustain their energy for long a long period of time. The United States of America has had a great zeal and zest to search for alternative fuel sources. This is as a result of the environmental hazards caused by the existing ones. Secondly, another major concern has been the fact that, direct use of conventional fuels may contribute to the global warming crisis. Continued use of alternative fuels in the United States of America has affected and will continue to affect the country’s economy. For instance, in the 1940s, there was a lot of smog in American cities, which caused a serious hazard to its environment ( Bernstein pp 60) in the 1960s, most of America’s waters were not fit for human consumption because there was a lot of acid rain poisoning (Flavin, pp 98 ). As a result, American States decided to rise up and fight air pollution, which was eminent in their states. Each state stood by itself and decided to take measures to end the eminent dangers. Laws were enacted by the federal government whose aim was to reduce air pollution and eventually end it (Hostetter pp 76). In the early 1990’s, vehicles powered by ethanol were introduced in the market in a bid to meet the regulations of the 1990 Clean Air Act in the United States. By the end of the year 1999, ethanol, which is produced from corn and other plant products yield approximately $5 billion (US Dollars) annually to farmers (Hass pp 60). Vehicles powered by electricity were also introduced in the market. The major set back with these vehicles was that recharging posed a major challenge to the users. Manufacturers also opted to substitute traditional diesel, which is derived from vegetable oil with biodiesel. Motor vehicle manufacturers in the United States of America have preferred to use methanol, which is derived from natural gas. Consequently, gasoline has been substituted with compressed natural gas (Hass, pp 61). In developed countries like the United States of America, a great percentage of the total energy budget is spent on trucks and automobiles. Since most of the interests on alternative sources of fuels have paid a lot of attention on vehicles used for transportation, which consume nearly ? of petroleum consumption, most alternative fuels have been found not to be effective (Berinstein pp 34) In the United States of America, alternative fuels are designed with the citizen’s needs in mind, not withstanding the types of needs, whether economic, political or environmental. For instance, in the Mid-West of the United States of America particularly in Illinois and Minnesota, gasoline is more expensive than E85, environmentally; cars powered by gasoline pollute 90% more than those powered by electricity (Hass, pp 62). It is costly for governments to develop alternative fuels. Most governments offer task breaks to manufacturing companies, which develop alternative sources of energy (Berinstein, pp 45). Consequently, this will affect a country’s economy and the United States of America is no exception. In addition, the amount of available oil reserves is uncertain. It is difficult to see underground and determine the amount of oil reserves even if the reserves have been supplying oil for a long period of time (proven-reserves). Nowadays, oil extraction process uses a lot of energy, electrical energy and heat, which comes from natural gas, which is in short supply. Currently, non-conventional oil production is not very efficient in producing energy and has a large environmental impact than conventional oil production (Berinstein pp 69) In conclusion, the United States of America will relentlessly continue to search for alternative fuel sources, which will continue to affect the country’s economy, both negatively and positively, in the present and in the future. This is because humans cannot meet their social, economic and political needs without the use fuels. What the United States needs is to ensure that the alternative fuel sources can be sustained and cannot cause health hazards to the environment. References Berinstein, P. Alternative Energy: Facts, Statistics and Issues. Westport, Conn. : Oryx Press, 2001. Flavin, C. â€Å"Clean as a Breeze. †Time, 15 December 1997. 60-62 Hass, N. â€Å"Alternative Fuels. †Financial World, 19 January 1993. Hostetter, M. , ed. Energy Policy. New York: H. W. Wilson. 2002.
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