Monday, August 24, 2020
HS630 Conf Week 3 Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
HS630 Conf Week 3 Question - Essay Example In the Dam part, different frameworks in addition to redundancies are being used to forestall hazard event; digital weakness results to danger of wellbeing (McGrath, 2011). Control frameworks in Dams are fundamental frameworks when they are in improved structure. Improved control frameworks happen in appropriate structures and work in a way that is sheltered and free from digital uncertainty (Stewart et al., 2011). There exists data sharing models in the Dam segment that relate digital and physical intimidation in addition to methodology for insurance. The Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 (HSPD-7) has guaranteed nearness of a National framework Plan (NIPP) prompting advancement in addition to progress of reinforcement frameworks (McGrath, 2011). The Federal Emergency Management Agency guarantees the presence of web related instructional classes. These involve different issues of wellbeing concerning Dams. It is hard to keep up solid associations between the private and the open bodies that guarantee appropriate sharing of specialists in addition to assets so as to execute methodologies (McGrath, 2011). Utilization of proper innovation turns into a test on the grounds that different complexities may rise. Presence of untrustworthy shields results to harms because of flooding and different viewpoints (McGrath, 2011). A climatic change presents difficulties since it results to a difference in the progression of precipitation. This change influences dam structures since boundaries utilized during configuration will require acclimation to adjust to the current factors (Stewart et al.,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethics n whistleblowing Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Morals n whistleblowing - Outline Example ....14 According to measurements distributed by Public Concern at Work ( an ever increasing number of individuals are willing to whistleblow about wrong doing in the work environment. Considering this, assess how associations can build up a compelling way to deal with working environment whistleblowing which assesses the requirements of their partners? Presentation Throughout the years, organizations have advanced. The days on the mechanical age is finished and the expanding huge improvement in innovation has offered path to an improvement in correspondence that might not have been seen over the most recent two decades or somewhere in the vicinity. Thus, this has made ready for more data and at last information to be available for nearly anybody that has a PC and can ride the web. Moreover, another variety of laborers has been recognized that are increasingly liquid and are very not the same as the conventional 8-5 representatives. These are called information laborers and organizations are progressively dependent of these experts as a fundamental piece of their organizations (Serrat 2008). In any case, information laborers or not, organizations and partners must perceive the way that their laborers have quite recently gone more brilliant and are more engaged than any other time in recent memory. This brings a progressively enabled and savvy type of workers that are increasingly fit for blowing the whistle to point out and possibly put a stop on wrong doings in an organization. This additionally achieves a culture of higher moral norms wherein representatives cling to standards and qualities in the direct of their work. Whistleblowing as an Ethical Dilemma This basic truth depicted above has moreover expanded the chance of representatives blowing the whistle on out of line work rehearses or risky working gauges and obviously abnormalities or illegal exercises by the organization or by representatives, officials or even proprietors of the organiza tion. A few years back, an occurrence struck the consideration of the open when a positioning NHS (National Health Service) official was sacked for supporting a subordinate in a clear expose’ of inconsistencies inside the organisation’s framework. Obviously, the official purpose behind the excusal was not about the whistle blowing occurrence yet about certain issues in regards to the executives. This was very sketchy however since the individual being referred to has been with the NHS for longer than 10 years and a half and was an ongoing beneficiary of an administration grant (BBC News 2003). This occurrence can be viewed as a junction where whistle blowing and morals ran collide with one another. The organization or its administration can't transparently utilize the whistle blowing as motivation to fire a representative that has, well to lay it out plainly, earned the anger of the big enchiladas. As a result, this leads whoever is accountable for dealing with the com pany’s issue character to arrange an undignified mass migration as a rule for the organization to conceal any hint of failure and maintain a strategic distance from a rehash of the occurrence. Characterizing Whistleblowing is characterized as a†revelation of illicit, unethical, or ill-conceived rehearses that are under business control by either previous or current association individuals to
Saturday, July 25, 2020
October SAT Scores Are In! - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
October SAT Scores Are In! - UGA Undergraduate Admissions October SAT Scores Are In! We received the October SAT scores late yesterday, and we were able to download them into our system this morning. We just updated the myStatus page about an hour ago to show any updated/new scores. We will be running checks next week for any applicants who submitted October SATs but there are differences between their application information and their test score information that causes a matching problem (no SSN on the SAT, different name such as Bill instead of William, birthdate error, etc.). We are also caught up with the mail, so anything that is not showing up as received on the myStatus page should be checked on with the person that is suppose to be sending it, such as your counselor or high school registrar. Have a great weekend, enjoy some Halloween candy, and Go Dawgs down in Jacksonville!
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Battle of Tippecanoe in Tecumsehs War
The Battle of Tippecanoe was fought November 7, 1811, during Tecumsehs War. In the early 19th century, Native American tribes sought to oppose American expansion into the Old Northwest Territory. Led by the Shawnee leader Tecumseh, the Native Americans began to assemble a force to oppose the settlers. In an effort to prevent this, the Governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison, marched out with a force of around 1,000 men to disperse Tecumsehs men. As Tecumseh was away recruiting, command of the Native American forces fell to his brother Tenskwatawa. A spiritual leader known as The Prophet, he ordered his men to attack Harrisons army as it encamped along Burnett Creek. In the resulting Battle of Tippecanoe, Harrisons men were victorious and Tenskwatawas forces were shattered. The defeat resulted in a severe setback for Tecumsehs efforts to unite the tribes. Background In the wake of the 1809 Treaty of Fort Wayne which saw 3,000,000 acres of land transferred from the Native Americans to the United States, the Shawnee leader Tecumseh began a rise to prominence. Angry over the treatys terms, he revived the idea that Native American land was owned in common by all the tribes and could not be sold without each giving their consent. This idea had previously been used by Blue Jacket prior to his defeat by Major General Anthony Wayne at Fallen Timbers in 1794. Lacking the resources to directly confront the United States, Tecumseh began a campaign of intimidation among the tribes to ensure that the treaty was not put into effect and worked to recruit men to his cause. While Tecumseh was endeavoring to build support, his brother Tenskwatawa, known as The Prophet, had begun a religious movement which stressed a return to the old ways. Based at Prophetstown, near the confluence of the Wabash and Tippecanoe Rivers, he began garnering support from across the Old Northwest. In 1810, Tecumseh met with the Governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison, to demand that the treaty be declared illegitimate. Refusing these demands, Harrison stated that each tribe had the right to treat separately with the United States. Shawnee leader Tecumseh. Public Domain Tecumseh Prepares Making good on this threat, Tecumseh began secretly accepting aid from the British in Canada and promised an alliance if hostilities broke out between Britain and the United States. In August 1811, Tecumseh again met with Harrison at Vincennes. Though promising that he and his brother sought only peace, Tecumseh departed unhappy and Tenskwatawa began gathering forces at Prophetstown. Traveling south, he began seeking assistance from the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole) of the Southeast and encouraged them to join his confederacy against the United States. While most rejected his requests, his agitation ultimately led to a faction of the Creeks, known as the Red Sticks, commencing hostilities in 1813. Harrison Advances In the wake of his meeting with Tecumseh, Harrison traveled to Kentucky on business leaving his secretary, John Gibson, at Vincennes as acting-governor. Utilizing his connections among the Native Americans, Gibson soon learned that forces were gathering at Prophetstown. Calling out the militia, Gibson sent letters to Harrison urging his immediate return. By mid-September, Harrison had returned along with elements of the 4th US Infantry and support from the Madison Administration for conducting a show of force in the region. Forming his army at Maria Creek near Vincennes, Harrisons total force numbered around 1,000 men. Moving north, Harrison encamped at present-day Terre Haute on October 3 to await supplies. While there, his men constructed Fort Harrison but were prevented from foraging by Native American raids which began on 10. Finally re-supplied via the Wabash River on October 28, Harrison resumed his advance the next day. Tenskwatawa, The Prophet. Public Domain Nearing Prophetstown on November 6, Harrisons army encountered a messenger from Tenskwatawa who requested a ceasefire and a meeting the next day. Wary of Tenskwatawas intentions, Harrison accepted, but moved his men onto a hill near an old Catholic mission. A strong position, the hill was bordered by Burnett Creek on the west and a steep bluff to the east. Though he ordered his men to camp in a rectangular battle formation, Harrison did not instruct them to build fortifications and instead trusted to the strength of the terrain. While the militia formed the main lines, Harrison retained the regulars as well as Major Joseph Hamilton Daveiss and Captain Benjamin Parkes dragoons as his reserve. At Prophetstown, Tenskwatawas followers began fortifying the village while their leader determined a course of action. While the Winnebago agitated for an attack, Tenskwatawa consulted the spirits and decided launch a raid designed to kill Harrison. Armies Commanders: Americans General William Henry Harrisonapprox. 1,000 men Native Americans Tenskwatawa500-700 men Casualties Americans - 188 (62 killed, 126 wounded)Native Americans - 106-130 (36-50 killed, 70-80 wounded) Tenskwatawa Attacks Casting spells to protect his warriors, Tenskwatawa sent his men to the American camp with the goal of reaching Harrisons tent. The attempt on Harrisons life was guided by an African-American wagon-driver named Ben who had defected to the Shawnees. Approaching the American lines, he was captured by American sentries. Despite this failure, Tenskwatawas warriors did not withdraw and around 4:30 AM on November 7, they launched an attack on Harrisons men. Benefiting from orders given by the officer of the day, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Bartholomew, that they sleep with their weapons loaded, the Americans quickly responded to the approaching threat. After a minor diversion against the north end of the camp, the main assault struck the south end which was held by an Indiana militia unit known as the Yellow Jackets. Standing Strong Shortly after the fighting began, their commander, Captain Spier Spencer, was struck in the head and killed followed by two of his lieutenants. Leaderless and with their small caliber rifles having difficulty in stopping the onrushing Native Americans, the Yellow Jackets began falling back. Alerted to the danger, Harrison dispatched two companies of regulars, who, with Bartholomew in the lead, charged into the approaching enemy. Pushing them back, the regulars, along with the Yellow Jackets, sealed the breach (Map). A second assault came a short time later and struck both the northern and southern parts of the camp. The reinforced line in the south held, while a charge from Daveiss dragoons broke the back of the northern attack. In the course of this action, Daveiss fell mortally wounded . For over an hour Harrisons men held off the Native Americans. Running low on ammunition and with the rising sun revealing their inferior numbers, the warriors began retreating back to Prophetstown. A final charge from the dragoons drove off the last of the attackers. Fearing that Tecumseh would return with reinforcements, Harrison spent the remainder of the day fortifying the camp. At Prophetstown, Tenskwatawa was accosted by his warriors who stated that his magic had not protected them. Imploring them to make a second attack, all of Tenskwatawas pleas were refused. On November 8, a detachment of Harrisons army arrived at Prophetstown and found it abandoned except for a sick old woman. While the woman was spared, Harrison directed that the town be burned and any cooking implements be destroyed. Additionally, everything of value, including 5,000 bushels of corn and beans, was confiscated. Aftermath A victory for Harrison, Tippecanoe saw his army suffer 62 killed and 126 wounded. While casualties for Tenskwatawas smaller attacking force are not known with precision, it is estimated that they suffered 36-50 killed and 70-80 wounded. The defeat was a serious blow to Tecumsehs efforts to build a confederacy against the United States and the loss damaged Tenskwatawas reputation. Tecumseh remained an active threat until 1813 when he fell fighting against Harrisons army at the Battle of the Thames. On the larger stage, the Battle of Tippecanoe further fueled the tensions between Britain and the United States as many Americans blamed the British for inciting the tribes to violence. These tensions came to a head in June 1812 with the outbreak of the War of 1812.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Still I Rise By Maya Angelou And Where Is The Love, By The...
Do you ever feel that you are out of place, like a standout in a busy crowd? This is how it feels to be discriminated against due to the colour of your skin. For more than 500 years, coloured people have faced the threat of intrusion and violence; they have been used, abused and discriminated against due to the colour of their skin, their religion or where they come from. In the 21st century racism is still roaming the airs and it is still a common threat; there are currently laws in place to reduce the violence that it brings but still we show ignorance. There have been many poems and songs created to portray this issue; these include ‘still I rise’ by the famous peace protestor Maya Angelou and ‘Where is the love’ by the world known band the Black Eyed Peas. Both of these pieces identify the pressing issues of racism and discrimination that face our society every single day. Still I Rise is a poem written by Maya Angelou. Through this poem, Angelou has used third person which allows the audience to relate to the social issue that she is introducing. Maya Angelou structured this poem in a certain way to be able to portray how much this issue meant to her emotionally and historically. The aim of this poem is to make audiences throughout the whole world aware of racism and discrimination. Maya wrote this piece to show that no matter how many times white people discriminate against blacks that they will always find the positives in everything while staying strong and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sensory Perceptions Free Essays
They will also hear words, and sounds and will not understand or know what the sounds may be. But not until they are taught they will not know or understand how important these senses will be in life and how these senses will affect them and their learning experiences. Now as we grow into adults our senses will have become interwoven with the way we think and use our minds. We will write a custom essay sample on Sensory Perceptions or any similar topic only for you Order Now When we read a book or even read a recipe to cook we are using eyes as tool. When we listen to music, hear the bird’s chirp, our children laughing we are using another sense which Is our ears to sites to these wonderful sounds that we enjoy. Our ears also hear sounds that we do not want to hear as well. We have to think when we are using our hands to fix a car, play a guitar. We are even thinking and using some of our senses when we have decided to jump out of an airplane for no good reason at all. But no matter what we may be doing we use our senses for some reason or another. Now it is true that â€Å"there Is nothing in our mind unless it is first senses†. (Aquinas, 2007, peg. 53) Why Is this? In order for our senses to work properly our brain Is Involved with our senses ether the Information for our senses to work. Hen we read we are using our eyes to gather the information and it is being put into our minds for reference. We all count on all of our senses to be accurate, and there certain factors that do influence the accuracy of this information that is received by a person’s senses and how it affects their perception of the world. On the other hand there are weaknesses to the amount of knowledge our senses can give. The best way to look at all this our brain Is almost Like a computer, It will only be effective If our brain Is able to process the information correctly and there are no conflicts. Accuracy is defined as the degree of agreement between the sensory information and the environment and the feedback required to determine the accuracy of the senses. What has been done and used as a sensory exercise is that several people are asked to do a blind fold test, they are then given objects and have to determine what they are by only touching and smelling. Each one Is from a different able to distinguish what the object is by feel. But you have a manager who is given the same object; he or she may not be able to distinguish what the object is. Why is this? It is because they do not work with bricks, this is not their trade. They have to think and guess and what the object maybe, if they have never worked with bricks they will not be able to distinguish the object, but on the other hand they will if they have had a background then they will be able to identify the object. Now our senses do have what you call check and balances in place. For example what you may be feeling when you touch the object it may be negated or influence if you smell the object. The sense of sight is very important, because we depend on this to confirm what e see is real or not real, to distinguished between colors, such as white vs.. Black. Take a person who has been blind all his or her life. They first have learned to use their other senses and they are more keen then others who can see. A blind person knows his or her limitation and is equipped to act more wisely in certain situations. But then you take the person who use to see, but became blind because of an accident, or disease, they keep pretending that they can see and can do things they use to, but because of the blindness they are not able to. But without being able to e we could get run over by a car, trip over hazard objects that could cause us to get hurt. Hearing is another sense that is very important for human survival such as hearing Look out! A rock is about to fall on your head! †to hearing music that we like, to hearing an emergency vehicle coming your way and you need to pull over, to hear the words I love you from your child, But as one knows a person hearing deteriorates through age, so one has to have the aid of a hearing aid to help with the hearing. Then you have the people who have gone deaf or were born deaf and they have to alkali with their hands by learning and using sign language to speak. Touch is very important because one must be able to feel pain, feel if they are being burn, to protect one from dangers. But touch is important to feel a hug, someone holding your hand, touch on your face, this is how once learns. This is also how a blind person describes a person as well. People use the sense of touch such has having diabetes. Identify and describe at least three (3) factors contributing to the accuracy of sensory data. Source of data and cognitive ability: â€Å"To obtain accurate sensory ATA, the source of data must be received through the senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch acutely sensitive to act like lenses, amplifiers, particle detectors and pressure and gauges to feed the brain to produce accurate sensory perception of the data obtained. †Reliability of facts observed: â€Å"The reception of solid sensory data through the accurate observations would provide facts and data that is vital for sensing -thinking connection or accurate sensory perception. The brain and interpretation of data received: â€Å"Cognitive Ability to analyze sensory data is based on lethal brain. The power of the senses is manifested when information is received in the brain. Inaccurate data sent to the brain will be interpreted falsely. On the other hand, an unhealthy brain will affect the accuracy of messages sent by the senses. Hence, accuracy of sensory data is based on data received and perceived th rough the senses and the cognitive interpretation of the information. (Papers/ Sensory-perceptions) Our senses have a lot due with our brain and our learning. That his or her senses are not perfect than they can try to take steps to improve on he accuracy and look at the changes that need to be made to adapt to the situation. Discuss the roles of â€Å"nature†and â€Å"nurture†with regard to the interpretation and evaluation of sensory data. Nature and Nurture can be traced back to the 13th century known as a catch- phrase for the roles of heredity and environment in human development. For many centuries some scientist from then and even still today believes that when a person behaves or acts a certain way it is genetic which is known as â€Å"the nature theory of human behavior. But on the other hand you have some scientists who believe that cause the way one behaves or thinks that this is a taught and obtained overtime which is known as â€Å"This is known as the â€Å"nurture†theory of human behavior. Scientist are right, but scientist should be asking what information is one born with and if they have this information, is it through nurture or nature. Where the proof lies is where a child already has a lot of knowledge at a very early age before he or she starts school such as playing the piano and reading, and this many lend some credence to the idea that we are actually born with some information already, it Just as to be brought out and used, and it depends how the child learns. In conclusion no matter how one make look at sensory perception they have to know it can be very deceiving as well. How to cite Sensory Perceptions, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The moment of truth free essay sample
For decades, drunk driving has been at the forefront of debate. Stricter laws have been passed across the nation leading to a decrease in drunk driving accidents. However, a new driving threat is quickly taking its place. That threat is texting while driving and many say that it is actually more dangerous than drunk driving. Texting while driving a vehicle has now replaced drinking while driving as the leading cause of accidents and deaths of teenage drivers. Texting while driving and drinking while driving are similar in many ways yet different in others. Everyone knows that drinking and driving is precarious and can be fatal, but texting and driving is equally dangerous. Texting while driving is like consuming about four beers in one sitting. The impairments associated with drunk driving and texting while driving are similar, according to the National Highway Transportation Administration. Both cause distraction and impaired driving that can result in following too closely, not being able to brake on time, weaving into oncoming traffic and even death. We will write a custom essay sample on The moment of truth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Both of these dangerous activities have caused death and injuries. Drivers who are texting while behind the wheel have a 23% higher chance of causing a crash. That is equivalent to downing four beers and then getting behind the wheel. Over the years, it is proven that there are now more deaths caused from people who are texting while behind the wheel than there are drunk driving. According to the NHTSA 2011 Traffic Safety Facts, laws passed by all 50 states lowering the threshold of illegal driving to . 08 blood alcohol content have resulted in a decrease in drunk driving fatalities. In 2002, there were 12,405 drunk driving fatalities. That number dropped to 9,296 in 2011. While drunk driving fatalities have been decreasing, deadly accidents involving distracted driving are increasing. Drivers are more likely to miss critical traffic signals, are slower to respond to the signals that they do detect, and more likely to be involved in rear end collisions when they are conversing on a cell phone. In addition, even when participants direct their gaze at objects in the driving environment, they often fail to see them when they are talking on a cell phone because attention has been directed away from the external environment and toward the phone conversation. However, what is lacking is the ability for an individual to take on dual task activity. Drinking while driving and texting while driving both take away your full attention from the road. When one drinks ones mind is inflated and can not focus on what is happening around them. When one texts there mind is also in another place and that person isn’t focusing on the road but on their cellular device. Both of these take ones mind to a dangerous place which causes one to lose sight of what they are doing or what they are capable of doing to someone else. Not focusing on the road and the people around ones area can lead to not only the drivers death but to the death or injuries of pedestrians. The drivers mind might feel like it is in one place but really it is in another. Texting in cars and trucks cause over 3,000 deaths and 330,000 injuries per year, according to a Harvard Center for Risk Analysis study. Texting while driving a vehicle has now replaced drinking while driving as the leading cause of accidents and deaths of teenage drivers. Driving a vehicle while texting is six times more dangerous than driving while intoxicated according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The federal agency reports that sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4. 6 seconds which is equivalent to driving 55 miles per hour across the length of an entire football field while blindfolded. Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road which makes your reaction time slower. The average time it takes you to text, read, or look at your phone is five seconds. That is driving approximately five football fields without looking because you are replying back to someone. It is less risky to talk on the phone while driving than texting because your eyes are not off the road as they would be if you were texting. It may seem safer, but you are also distracted and more focused on your conversation. Compared to drinking and driving, texting and driving takes your eyes off of the road but does not impair your reaction time like the other. Texting while driving is illegal in some states and becoming a nationwide law. Driving under the influence is illegal in all states and can put one in jail and the other in a coffin. Drinking in addition to driving impairs your senses and makes you react slower to everything and makes it difficult to walk or see straight as well. Even taking one sip of alcohol impairs your motor skills. This makes you more likely to be in an accident and take an innocent bystander’s life. Over half of teens do not see a problem with texting and driving and think they can do it safely. Studies have shown that roughly twenty three percent of all car accidents involve someone using a cell phone. Of all fatal traffic accidents, one third have involved alcohol. Drunk drivers cause deaths approximately every forty eight minutes. This shows that when someone drinks and drives they are not only putting their life in jeopardy they are putting others in jeopardy as well. With all the similarities and differences that texting while driving and drinking while driving provides, it shows that they are both serious issues that can be avoided at all costs
Thursday, March 19, 2020
HR Recruitment and Selection Case Study In Elgin Pharmaceutical The WritePass Journal
HR Recruitment and Selection Case Study In Elgin Pharmaceutical Introduction: HR Recruitment and Selection Case Study In Elgin Pharmaceutical Introduction: The strategy of the company is:Evaluation of Current Recruitment and Selection Process:Waiting lists:For Selection company is using:1. General Mental Ability Test:2. Semi-Structured Interviews:Proposal:The first step in pre-recruitment is:1. Establishing evidence case for recruitment:2. Job Analysis:1. Internal survey:2. External survey:Another main step for job analysis is job description:Job description for the child care and development centre is given below:Person Specification:3. Labour Market Assessment:The Third step is Selection:Structured interviewsTelephone interviewsConclusion:References:Appendix:Appendix 1:Company BackgroundAppendix 2:Related Introduction: Human Resource Planning helps to find out the need of people in the organization. Job analysis and Job design indicates the responsibilities and tasks of the employees in fig.1: (K Aswathappa,2007) Recruitment and Selection both are the vital part for an organization because it directly affects organization performance, employee relations, and a positive public image. The aim of this report is to analyze the new recruitment and selection methods for hiring the new staff to establish a company crà ¨che and child development centre. This company is using the same method of recruitment (waiting lists) and selection (General Mental Ability and Semi-Structured Interviews) from last ten years. The strategy of the company is: 1)  To retain the employees for a long period of time 2)  To maintain the reputation of the company 3)   To motivate the employees to increase their performance and achieve the positive results from it In the analysis, this report analyzes the modes of recruitment and selection process like waiting lists; interviews; psychometric test, advertisement but not considered other methods. Company is using these methods from last ten years. The current recruitment and selection process is very much beneficial for the company but it is very limited. Evaluation of Current Recruitment and Selection Process: The Company is using the Recruitment and Selection process from last ten years. For recruitment company is using waiting lists: Waiting lists: These lists are made up of logical enquiries and applicants hired from the old recruitment activity. Then it provides suitable applicants that can be assessed when there will be any vacancy. Waiting lists are of low costs and resource efficient. Because candidates are already selected for the next step but they have to wait for the vacant positions in the company. These are hard to manage because these are spoiled quickly. Applications have very limited life, as candidates interest may change to other jobs. When employer reactivates the application and contact the candidate, it enhances the chances of success for candidate. Therefore, candidates can negotiate the contract terms and candidates expect more supportive behavior from the company. Waiting lists could cause discrimination among the candidates because they may restrict from the jobs again. (S.Pilbeam and M.Corbridge,2006) For Selection company is using: 1. General Mental Ability Test: It is also called psychometric test. These tests are used for assessment and evaluation of the test taker by a competent examiner. It is used to check he intelligence and knowledge of the candidate. Its advantage is that candidates cannot lie in it. Moreover biasness can be avoided. This test is used where there are number of candidates for the job. These tests are quite useful than the interviews because real information can be more easily taken from tests instead of the interviews. It’s more reliable and valid. Non-minorities typically score one standard deviation above minorities which may result in adverse impact depending on how the scores are used in the selection process Differences between males and females in abilities (e.g., knowledge of mathematics) may negatively impact the scores of female applicants. ( V.Joosten,2005) (C.Jackson,1996) To see the examples of this test see Appendix 2. 2. Semi-Structured Interviews: These interviews follow a predetermined and standardized list of questions. These questions are not asked in the same way in same order to all the participants because these questions are difficult to clarify (Schwarz, 1999). According o Burns (1997), the problem of validity is acknowledged as inconsequential, if the informant’s behavior is congruent with their perception of reality. It is very time-consuming because interviewer needs to record it in written form. Moreover, the data reliability is very low because it is difficult to compare the responses between the respondents. Interviewees give too much information in it which is in depth and useless. Recording information could be very difficult because to write the information is time-consuming and if interview is recorded then candidates may not feel comfortable and give only limited information. (ML.Mitchell and J.Jolley,2009) and (A.Edwards and J.Skinner, 2009) Proposal: To                                                                                              11April,2011 The CEO Elgin Pharmaceutical Edinburgh. Respected Madam, On the basis of this analysis, as an HR manager I am making a proposal for the recruitment and selection for the child care and development staff as follows: As Mullins (2010, p 485) ‘If the HRM function is to remain effective, there must be consistently good levels of teamwork, plus ongoing co-operation and consultation between line managers and the HR manager.’ This is most definitely the case in recruitment and selection as specialist HR managers (or even external consultants) can be an important repository of up-to-date knowledge and skills, For example on the important legal dimensions of this area. (                                                             Pre-recruitment activity fig. 2                                                          (S.Pilbeam and M.Corbridge,2006) The first step in pre-recruitment is: 1. Establishing evidence case for recruitment: Whenever there is a vacancy appears, there is only the opportunity for recruitment and evidence case should be developed before proceeding (ACAS, 2004). As Plumbley (1991), ‘every vacancy presents management with an opportunity to rethink the structure of the organization and the allocation of duties. There are some substitutes for recruitment when any position is vacant and more questions can be discussed like; a)    Do the workload predictions justify recruitment? b)    Is the impact of vacancy short, long or medium? c)     How does the recruitment proposal fit with diversity objectives? d)    Does he filling of any vacancy integrate with the human resource plan? (S.Pilbeam and M.Corbridge,2006) 2. Job Analysis: Job analysis can be done by survey inside the company and outside the company: 1. Internal survey: The internal survey can be done through distributing the questionnaires in the office staff so that company can gather the information how many employees have children and age of their children. Because 70percent of female employees. 2. External survey: This survey can be done by gathering information by selecting few samples from the companies/organizations related to child care. Because he company is setting up the new company crà ¨che which is totally different from the previous business. So it will be helpful for the company to start their organization by gathering information from various sources. This survey could be done by questionnaire sent to the different companies. For sample of this external survey see appendix3 Another main step for job analysis is job description: Job description is clearly stated what are the responsibilities and duties of the employees. For further detail of job description see appendix. Job description for the child care and development centre is given below: For the day care nursery company has already make the structure of job description that they total 11 staff vacancies are there for 30 infants and Pre School children. Staffing ratio is already set as follows: For nursery (0-1yr) there are 10 places for infants as well as 4 vacancies for staff [1staff member for 3 babies and 1 cover] For preschool (2-4yr) there are 20 places as well as 7 vacancies for staff [1 staff member for 4 children and 2 covers] There should be hourly wage rate for the employees including full-time and part-time work. The minimum wage rate is  £5.93. Sample of job description is given in appendix4 Person Specification: Qualification: NVQ level 3 Experience: relevant experience with young children Knowledge: health and safety Child development Security Skills: Team working Creative ability Communication skills ( For sample of job specification see appendix5 3. Labour Market Assessment: It means to provide better understanding of employees and labour supply in the relevant organizations.  In relation to the six equality â€Å"strands†of: ethnicity, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation and religion and belief. A labour market is the identified pool of potential employees from which it is possible to attract candidates of the required caliber for a specified job. A shortage of labour market increases the labour supply demand giving more authority to the candidates. In terms of strategy, a shortage labour market needs a more nurturing recruitment and selection system, and a surplus labour market needs more targeted approach (Walsh, 1992). Due to the remarkable growth of the company as ‘employer of the choice’, more candidates want to do the job with this company. (S.Pilbeam and M.Corbridge,2006) The second step is Recruitment: The company is using recruitment system which is very old, but it is very essential and useful for the company. But company was using these methods for pharmaceutical branch. Whereas, it needs to adapt some other appropriate recruitment methods for child care workers and nursery nurses, to attract more people for the job, therefore, some new methods are added in this proposal as follows: Company should use advertisement method as ‘wide trawl’ to attract large pool of candidates because if there will be large number of candidates company will have more choice to select right candidate for right job with essential skills. Local newspaper is very cost effective method to use as a source of advertisement. Moreover, it is affordable and easily accessible by the people. The other method for advertisement is local shops; company can recommend these local shops to do advertisement for them. School libraries and notice boards are also very useful because most of the people can see the ad and it is free of cost. However students will also motivate towards this career. Job Centres are good source of advertisement. It is also cost effective and not very time-consuming. Word of mouth is more reliable and free of cost advertisement source. The Third step is Selection: After getting number of responses for the job/vacancies the next step is selection. It includes various parts like: Candidates fill the application forms to give an idea about their family and education background. To see the sample of application form for recruitment see appendix There is interview method to select the candidates : Structured interviews Telephone interviews The candidates have to give their bio data as well along with the application form, though its ‘hard copy’ or ‘soft copy’. The main important for child care job to have the enhanced CRB check. It is mostly used for international candidates. It is necessary to check the background of the candidate to make sure that other people have full safety and security. The candidates should have relevant experience in child care, because it is very crucial matter for parents to send their child under experienced or non-experienced person. The candidates when selected have to provide minimum two references: one should be personal and other should be business references (related to the previous job). Last but not the least; candidates should have the work permit. It will show the approval of government to work in any other country or in the home country. S.No. Recruitment Methods S.No. Selection Methods 1. Advertisements 1 Application Forms 1.0 Newspapers 2 Structured Interviews 1.1 Local Shops 3 Telephone Interviews 1.2 Libraries 4 Bio Data 1.3 Community Centers 5 CRB Checks 1.4 School Notice boards 6 Experience 1.5 Job Centre 7 References 1.6 Word of Mouth 8 Work Permit  Conclusion: After analyzing Recruitment and Selection process, the issues were highlighted: There are fewer methods of recruitment and selection used in the report, which are in use from a long period of time. Therefore the scope of recruitment and selection is very limited. Company used waiting list method for recruitment, but it is not beneficial for the company because if candidates are in waiting list, it could be time-consuming and lengthy process. Moreover, it will restrict candidates not to work anywhere else or they will lose this job. There was not specific method for job description and person specification. In this case study only number of vacancies and role is given but other necessary things like CRB check, Experience, Pay scale is not given. The survey conducting by the company inside and outside the organization give results of female employees, their children etc. The company is setting up crà ¨che and child development centre with limited number of seats. Therefore, other people who don’t get chance to take that opportunity will feel disappoint or become demotivated. The proposal proposed to CEO of the company will help to recruit new highly skilled employees with appropriate method of recruitment and selection process. Hence, company strategy will also change accordingly. Action Plan: Task Responsibility Time period Cost Promotion and marketing of Childcare Advertising and marketing manager September, 2011  £6700 Recruitment of child care workers Recruitment manager November, 2011 12,900 Training Training Manager October, 2011  £58,300 Transport HR Manager December, 2011  £12,300 Child care Voucher Scheme HR Manager December, 2011 5,700 Total:                      95,900 References: C.Jackson, Understanding Psychological Testing, 1996 (Pg. 45-46) K Aswathappa, Human Resource and Personnel Management, 2007 ed.4th (pg. 132) V.Joosten, Preparing for career selection tests: Numeracy General Ability, 2005 ed. 3rd (pg. 19-20) M.L.Mitchell and J.Jolley, Research Design Explained, 2009 (Pg. 277) A.Edwards and J.Skinner, Qualitative Research in Sport Management, 2009 (pg. 107), (pg. 53 and V) S.Pilbeam and M.Corbridge, People Resourcing- Contemporary HRM in practice, 2006, (pg. 156) S.Pilbeam and M.Corbridge, People Resourcing- Contemporary HRM in practice, 2006, (pg. 146,149,150)  Appendix: Appendix 1: Company Background Elgin pharmaceutical is the very successful and profitable manufacturing company in Edinburgh. There are approximately 600 employees are working in which 70percent are female. This company is using same organization policies from last 40 years and their reputation also enhanced. People want to work with this company desperately because of its popularity, it is also known as ‘employer of choice’. In this company employee wastage level is very low therefore vacancies list is always given in the waiting list. Where employees have an opportunity to work with this company. The new CEO comes in the company and she thought of employee welfare and wants to set up a crà ¨che and child development centre. There are 30 seats for infants and children of employees who are working with his company. This company needs to recruit suitable staff for crà ¨che and child care. Therefore, they provide job description and person specification related to the vacancies. Due to high reputation company can easily attract large pool of candidates to apply for this job. Appendix 2: SECTI ON I : GENERAL MENTAL ABI LI TY TEST ( G. M. A. T. ) SAMPLE PAPER 1. i) A 2 B means A is a mother of B. ii) A 4 B means A is the brother of B. iii) A 5 B means A is the daughter of B. iv) A 9 B means A is the husband of B. Which of the following expression shows the relation that ‘K’ is Mother−in−Law of ‘M’ ? 1) M 9 N 2 K 4 I  2) M 9 N 5 K 2 J 3) K 5 J 9 M 2 N  4) K 2 J 9 N 4 M Directions : 2 − 6 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. i) Six authors P, Q, R, S, T and U, each one has written books on six different subjects viz. Physics, Chemistry,  Psychology, Sociology, Political science Economics but not necessarily in the same order. These books are kept in a pile but not necessary in the given order. ii) The book of Physics is written by ‘Q’ and it  is kept below the book of Psychology. The book of Chemistry is written by ‘R’ and it is kept just below the book of Sociology which is not on the top. The book of Political science is kept between the book of Chemistry and Economics. The book written by ‘U’ is not at the bottom. The book written by ‘P’ is on the top. The book of Sociology is not written by ‘S’ or ‘U’. 2. Who wrote the book of Political Science ? 1) S        2) T 3) Data inadequate 4) None of these 3. Who wrote the book which is kept at the bottom? 1) R               2) Q 3) S       4) T 4. Which of the following combination of ‘Subject’ − ‘Author’ − ‘Position from the top’ is not correct ? 1) Physics − Q − Third 2) Political Science − U − Fifth 3) Economics − S − Sixth 4) Psychology − P − First 5. The book of which of the following subject is kept on the top ? 1) Chemistry 2) Psychology 3) Political Science 4) Either psychology or chemistry 6. What is the position of the chemistry book from the top ? 1) Second     2) Fifth 3) Third      4) Fourth Direction : 7 − 9 : Find the odd one out from the given alternatives. 7. 1) Eagle      2) Cock 3) Crow      4) Parrot 8. 1) PKJQ      2) RIGT 3) WDBY     4) SHFU 9. Find the missing number from the given response 31 17 58 87 68 19 61 56 91 22 70 50 10 142 11 ? 1) 6       2) 7 3) 3       4) 9 10. If 34 ⊕ 21 = 20 and 69 ⊕ 35 = 46, then 31 ⊕ 29 = ? 1) 35       2) 30 3) 45       4) 64 Section I ends here. SECTION II : SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (S.A.T.) SAMPLE PAPER 1. Internal and external surface of a calorimeter are polished. Why? 1) It looks attractive. 2) It prevents rusting by loosing contact with the air. 3) It prevents transfer of heat due to conduction. 4) It prevents transfer of heat due to radiation 2.  What does a pyrometer measure? 1) High altitude 2) Pressure 3) High temperature 4) The radiant energy 3. Which of the following is not a fundamental physical quantity? 1) Length    2) Pressure 3) Time     4) Mass 4. Which of the following metals react with dilute acids? 1) Copper   2) Gold 3) Silver   4) Calcium 5. Which of the following food components can be absorbed in the alimentary canal without undergoing digestion? 1) Proteins.   2) Lipids 3) Cane sugar  4) Vitamins. 6. Srivijaya was a famous ancient Indian kingdom in _____. 1) Myanmar   2) Kampuchea 3) Thailand   4) Indonesia 7. Guru Tegh Bahadur was the ____Guru of the Sikhs 1) Second    2) Eighth 3) Ninth    4) Tenth. 8. Sun is a gaseous body it is mainly made up of _________ 1) Carbon dioxide and hydrogen 2) Hydrogen and Helium 3) Hydrogen and Oxygen 4) Helium and Nitrogen. 9. The factors of ( ) 4 x 4 + are : 1) ( ) 2 2 x 2 + 2) ( ) ( ) 2 2 x 2x 2 x 2x 2 + + − + 3) ( ) ( ) 2 2 x 2 x 2 + − 4) None of these 10. If 3 chairs and 2 tubes cost Rs.1200 and 5 chairs and 3 tubes cost Rs.1900, then the cost of 2 chairs and 2 tubes (in Rs.) is : 1) 700 2) 900 3) 1000 4) 1100 Section II ends here.   Appendix 3: 1.  Which country do you presently live in? ☠ Canada ☠ Other 2.  How many children age 6 or under live in your household? ☠ 0 ☠ 1 ☠ 2 ☠ 3 ☠ 4 ☠ 5 ☠ 6 or more 3.  In your opinion, at what age are children ready to be cared for on a regular basis by adults other than their parents ☠ No minimum age - it’s alright even for the smallest babies ☠ 6 months ☠ 1 year ☠ 1  ½ years ☠ 2 years ☠ 2  ½ years ☠ 3 years ☠ 4 years ☠ 5 years or older ☠ Don’t know 4.  What kinds of child care arrangements – full-time or part-time (including before- or after-school care) are you currently using for the child(ren) age 6 and under living in your home? (Check all that apply) Full-time Part-time One parent is a stay-at-home caregiver ☠☠Off-shifting, where parents work or attend school at alternate times and share care responsibilities ☠☠Care by a relative (either in your home, or in a relative’s home) ☠☠Nanny ☠☠Regular babysitter providing care in your home ☠☠Child care centre ☠☠Nursery school or pre-school program (other than child care centre) ☠☠Home daycare provider ☠☠[Asked only to those who mentioned that they use a home daycare provider in Q4] 5. You have indicated that you are currently using a home daycare provider to care for your child(ren). Please tell us whether this caregiver is: ☠ Licensed ☠ Unlicensed ☠ Not sure 6. Have you faced, or are currently facing, any problems or challenges with either finding or maintaining your child care arrangements? ☠ Yes ☠ No [Asked only to those who answered ‘Yes’ in Q6] 7. What are/were the problems or challenges that you have faced, or are currently facing, with your child care arrangements? (Check all that apply) ☠ Lack of accessible information on care options in my community ☠ Difficulties finding a full-time space at a licensed child care centre ☠ Difficulties finding a part-time space at licensed child care centre ☠ Difficulties finding a home daycare provider ☠ Difficulties finding a space/caregiver in a convenient location ☠ Difficulties finding child care for the hours I required (i.e. outside normal working hours) ☠ Difficulties finding a nanny ☠ Difficulties finding care for a child with special needs ☠ Difficulties finding any type of care ☠ High cost of care ☠ Could not afford to stay home ☠ Stayed home, but found it a financial struggle ☠ Concerns about the quality of care ☠ My child had trouble adjusting to child care setting 8. You mentioned that you are using the following types of childcare: (list of options chosen in Q4). To what degree are you satisfied with the overall quality of your current child care arrangements? ☠ Very satisfied ☠ Somewhat satisfied ☠ Not very satisfied ☠ Very dissatisfied 9.  Listed below are possible components of a comprehensive government child care policy. Which of these are most important to you? You can select up to four options ☠ Funding to create more child care spaces ☠ Funding to reduce fees for all families using licensed child care ☠ Funding to reduce fees for lower income families using licensed child care ☠ Funding to improve quality of child care (e.g. training, lower staff/child ratios) ☠ Funding to increase availability of part-time licensed child care ☠ Direct payments to all parents of children six or under, regardless of child care arrangement or income ☠ Increased tax breaks or credits for all parents of children six or under ☠ Tax breaks or credits specifically for parents who stay home to raise their children ☠ Legislation that would require all home-based caregivers to be licensed and regulated ☠ Legislation that would require employers to allow parents of young children to work part time, or have more flexible work schedules ☠ Legislation that would increase the length of maternity and parental leave 10.  Would you be willing to pay higher taxes to enable the government to invest in some form of national child care program? ☠ Yes ☠ No 11.  Child care is just one of many issues facing Canadians and their government. Please rank the following issues in the order of their importance to you (i.e. the issue that should get highest priority in terms of government action and investment should be ranked #1; and that with the lowest priority should be ranked #5). ___ Health care ___ Defense/National security ___ Environment ___ Higher education ___ Child care 12.  To what degree does a political party’s stand on child care influence your decision to vote for that party’s candidate? ☠ Strongly influences – determines my vote ☠ Somewhat influences – can tip my vote in favour or in opposition ☠ Has little or no influence – child care is not an election issue for me 13.  What province/territory do you live in? ☠ Alberta ☠ British Columbia ☠ Manitoba ☠ Newfoundland ☠ New Brunswick ☠ Northwest Territories ☠ Nova Scotia ☠ Nunavut ☠ Ontario ☠ Prince Edward Island ☠ Quebec ☠ Saskatchewan ☠ Yukon 14. What is the size of the population of the city or town where you live? ☠ 1,000,000+ ☠ 500,000 – 999,999 ☠ 100,000 – 499,999 ☠ 30,000 – 99,999 ☠ 10,000 – 29,999 ☠ 1,000 – 9,999 ☠ Under 1,000 and rural 15.  Please tell us your primary employment status at this time ☠ Employed full-time ☠ Employed part-time ☠ Parenting at home ☠ Self-employed full-time ☠ Self-employed part-time ☠ On maternity/parental leave ☠ Studying (with or without part-time job) ☠ No paid employment ☠ Retired 16.  What is your family’s structure? ☠ Married or common-law couple ☠ Divorced or separated, and primary caregiver for one or more child ☠ Divorced or separated, but not primary caregiver for children ☠ Single/lone parent 17.  What is your total annual household income? ☠ Less than $16,000 ☠ $16,000 $19,999 ☠ $20,000 $29,999 ☠ $30,000 $49,999 ☠ $50,000 $74,999 ☠ $75,000 $99,999 ☠ More than $100,000 18.  Is there anything else that you would like to share with Today’s Parent with respect to your views on child care?
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Least vs. Lest
Least vs. Lest Least vs. Lest Least vs. Lest By Maeve Maddox Least, pronounced [LEEST], is the superlative of the adjective little: little, littler, least. It can also function as noun and adverb: She passed the exam without the least preparation. (adjective) Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. (noun) The person who can least spare it is often the most willing to give others a piece of his mind. (adverb) Lest, pronounced [LEST], is a conjunction that introduces a clause that expresses something that should be guarded against. Although still used by modern writers and speakers, it has a distinctly literary flavor: Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6 Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow. (Moral to Aesop’s tale of â€Å"The Dog and the Shadow.†) The formulaic phrase lest we forget is especially popular at the time of year when a nation honors its military forces and commemorates the slain. Used this way, it means â€Å"So we don’t forget,†or â€Å"Let us not forget.†For example, this past Memorial Day the phrase appeared on hundreds of websites above photo collections, memoirs, and poems dedicated to the memory of enlisted men and women who gave the supreme sacrifice. â€Å"Lest we forget†is also used as a cautionary expression, warning of disappointment or danger to ensue if something is forgotten: Lest we forget the pastBuying broken or unfinished games. Lest We Forget. â€Å"Remembering Abbott’s Past†Lest we forget, child abuse has many forms. Unfortunately, a great many English speakers are confused about the difference between least and lestat least when it comes to the phrase â€Å"Lest we forget.†A Web search brings up hundreds, perhaps thousands of sites headed by the phrase â€Å"Least We Forget.†Here are a few examples that go beyond the three words: Least we forget in the Twenty First Century Least we forget the Holocaust. Least we forget Vietnam, Ethiopia, you insert any war you like. Least we forget what China actually is I even found a song title spelled â€Å"Least We Forget.†In conclusion, lest you forget, lest rhymes with west. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Addressing A Letter to Two PeopleDisappointed + Preposition10 Functions of the Comma
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Compensation - Essay Example These wages are augmented by bonuses that are commensurate with the contributions the employee makes to specific projects or even their own entrepreneurial developments (â€Å"Facebook beats google†, 2012). The best fit and best practice approaches constitute different perspectives. The best fit approaches argues that compensation pay should be aligned with the organization’s strategy and values. The challenge these becomes finding the ‘best-fit’ between the strategic approach and compensation. These practices are contrasted with ‘best practice’ approach that argue there need not be a best fit between strategy and approach, but instead a universal approach to compensation in the organization. A customer service-agent that manages issues that arise between buyers and sellers at the online marketplace These management practices occur over the telephone and through e-mail. Notably, there are over 2,000 emails a day to sort through. It is indicated that this information does not become tedious as the emails are of constantly different varieties. In terms of further information needed, it is necessary to consider what occurs when the issue cannot be resolved, as well as the extent that the employee is under pressure from to determine a best fit solution. 5. The compensable factors in paying my boss more than me are that he has a higher knowledge set and deeper managerial experience. This increases his organizational value as he is able to oversee crucial aspects or operational difficulties. This is further understood in terms of organizational contributions. While it is possible for the lower tier workers to make tangible contributions to organizational value, compensation is on a best fit spectrum so that the higher the individual is on organizational spectrum, the higher their value is the organization. This results in the higher compensation
Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Compensation - Essay Example These wages are augmented by bonuses that are commensurate with the contributions the employee makes to specific projects or even their own entrepreneurial developments (â€Å"Facebook beats google†, 2012). The best fit and best practice approaches constitute different perspectives. The best fit approaches argues that compensation pay should be aligned with the organization’s strategy and values. The challenge these becomes finding the ‘best-fit’ between the strategic approach and compensation. These practices are contrasted with ‘best practice’ approach that argue there need not be a best fit between strategy and approach, but instead a universal approach to compensation in the organization. A customer service-agent that manages issues that arise between buyers and sellers at the online marketplace These management practices occur over the telephone and through e-mail. Notably, there are over 2,000 emails a day to sort through. It is indicated that this information does not become tedious as the emails are of constantly different varieties. In terms of further information needed, it is necessary to consider what occurs when the issue cannot be resolved, as well as the extent that the employee is under pressure from to determine a best fit solution. 5. The compensable factors in paying my boss more than me are that he has a higher knowledge set and deeper managerial experience. This increases his organizational value as he is able to oversee crucial aspects or operational difficulties. This is further understood in terms of organizational contributions. While it is possible for the lower tier workers to make tangible contributions to organizational value, compensation is on a best fit spectrum so that the higher the individual is on organizational spectrum, the higher their value is the organization. This results in the higher compensation
Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Compensation - Essay Example These wages are augmented by bonuses that are commensurate with the contributions the employee makes to specific projects or even their own entrepreneurial developments (â€Å"Facebook beats google†, 2012). The best fit and best practice approaches constitute different perspectives. The best fit approaches argues that compensation pay should be aligned with the organization’s strategy and values. The challenge these becomes finding the ‘best-fit’ between the strategic approach and compensation. These practices are contrasted with ‘best practice’ approach that argue there need not be a best fit between strategy and approach, but instead a universal approach to compensation in the organization. A customer service-agent that manages issues that arise between buyers and sellers at the online marketplace These management practices occur over the telephone and through e-mail. Notably, there are over 2,000 emails a day to sort through. It is indicated that this information does not become tedious as the emails are of constantly different varieties. In terms of further information needed, it is necessary to consider what occurs when the issue cannot be resolved, as well as the extent that the employee is under pressure from to determine a best fit solution. 5. The compensable factors in paying my boss more than me are that he has a higher knowledge set and deeper managerial experience. This increases his organizational value as he is able to oversee crucial aspects or operational difficulties. This is further understood in terms of organizational contributions. While it is possible for the lower tier workers to make tangible contributions to organizational value, compensation is on a best fit spectrum so that the higher the individual is on organizational spectrum, the higher their value is the organization. This results in the higher compensation
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Revisions on Strategic Planning Modules Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Revisions on Strategic Planning Modules - Essay Example The strategic planning and budgeting projects provided timely insights which provided the opportunity to examine and evaluate an organization in terms of how its strategic planning and budgeting process enables it to cope with diverse factors that affect its attainment of organizational goals. ((1) external environment analysis, (2) strategic issues and opportunities, (3) core values, (4) mission, (5) goals and objectives, (6) strategic and other indicators, (7) evaluation, (8) action steps, (9) revenue and costs; and (10) assessment) and SWOT analysis in providing relevant information to guide decision makers in creating the most appropriate action plan given the challenges in the environment and other factors that influence the organization’s operations. Only with a comprehensive and timely strategic plan in place can top management participate in the preparation, evaluation, and assessment of its operating budget to guide its operations in the near future. Given the aforementioned insights, the operating budget that was previously presented should be revised to incorporate the following factors: (1) tuition fee rate per school year amounts to $36, 300 for a full load undergraduate program, (2) the lessons learned on SWOT analysis of current and future conditions should focus on the impact of the global financial crisis in cost reduction thereby reducing the projected expenses more, (3) the further reduction in costs would enable the university in generating additional income from $25 million as previously projected, to $29 million – which can be utilized to address needed repairs and maintenance and salaries of personnel.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Importance and role of accounting
Importance and role of accounting Accounting 601 assignment Accounting is the management of money and money is an important part of that business. Accounting is mainly preparation of financial statement and involve with transaction, budgeting and Cost controlling. According to Cote(2007), it is process of measuring the amount of money, analysing results, understanding them and make decision better. A proper accounting system is an essential to any business in order to manage its businesses running successfully. For any successful business, the main obligation is to maximise profits , minimize any loss and at the same time maintain its position as a responsible entity within the society. Coltman(1989) said , cost control system is simply an accounting oriented information system. However, the cost control system differs from the accounting system and this system allows management to see what is happening to cost, so that rational decision can be made, and necessary action implemented to correct undesirable situation. Accounting is a language o f money by measuring cost control within the hospitality can industry through labour, food and beverage, energy cost control. Coltman(1989) said that labour is a major cost that arising from the high employee turnover; it is a hidden cost that affecting on productivity, workplace efficiency. There are major reasons that causes staff turnover including most of hospitality workplaces do not pay well and workers work under wage rate, work load, poor training and lack of company benefit (Coltman1989). Industry expert’s Soltani, Lai, Paul Liao (2009) stated that service industry continuous dealing with customers so that labour flexibility is prime need to securing the high labour turnover cost .There are possibilities to reduce turnover with better choice of an integrated HR strategy that address the goal of the organisation which are managing employee’s attribute, work schedule, encourage staff to do teamwork, provide adequate training, monitoring their performance report as well as motivate staff by giving incentives (Soltani, Lai, Paul Liao 2009). Also, industries have to hiring right person at the right place according to skill required. However, most of the Australian hotel industries are continues pay for high labour turnover cost (Davidson, Timo Wang 2010). Moreover, many hospitality industries within Canada are adopted the innovative technology including electronic check-in, guest can make reservation, paying bills by using mobile devices these technology provide high quality and speed service in physical environment without labour cost (Jayawardena,Lawlor Grieco 2013). Serlen, Bruce (2014), founded that traditional twenty-four hours room service is very expensive that increase labour cost .and decrease productivity. Whereas, most of full-service hotel are moving away from traditional room service to advance technology which is help to control the labour cost for example, The Hilton, Grand Hyatt in New York. Move rover, Serlen, Bruce (2014), said that advance technology brings many aspects in the hotel industry in particular guest were looking applications to order room service from iPad and smartphone which is cost effective and eliminate the order taking position from the entity for instance, in Hilton New York, operate a successful upscale grab and go market. However, hotelier expert said that customers still demanding the traditional room service approach because they expected the personalised service as they paid to hotel and they do not expect robotic service delivery within this industry (Serlen, Bruce, 2014). Coltman,(1989) stated that most visible cost in the hospitality industry is the food and beverages. Food is a vital element of the hospitality industries. The main function of food and beverage department is to control the cost and improve hotel, restaurant profitability through the adequate selection of supplier, stock control, implementing standardize recipe, developing innovative food service system may prevent from wastage and overproduction in the operation also portion control concern about the more quality prevention activities such as quality audits, menu design reviews, quality training and supplier evaluation. However, there are several reasons that hotels unnecessary suffer wastage of food which is significant cost for industry such as poor stock rotation, store items in inappropriate temperature and poor portion control may lead to food wastage (Colman, 1989). According to, Vaughn, Raab, Nelson Harrah (2010) identification Las Vegas hospitality industry’s revenue had fall due to increase food prices from 2006 to 2007; the food and beverage department has challenged to increase productivity and reduce the cost, waste and inefficient operation. Therefore, industries in Las Vegas supported kitchen to focus on specific production, expensive menu and portion of menu items and applied activity –based costing (ABC) method for the production control and this method can be used to eliminate the monthly allocation for all kitchen production (Vaughn, Raab, Nelson Harrah, 2010). Noone Coulter (2012) said that, many hospitality industries or restaurant are familiar with technological system to controlling on food cost such as point of sale system, self- service kiosk and efficient cooking equipment and inventory management system ( perpetual inventory card). These technological solutions are help to maintain product quality and standard that keeping the cost down by speed of service and order taking for example, in U.S quick service restaurant w ere facing challenges just as rising operating cost but they applying automation system in back of house particular in kitchen such as deep fryer with an auto lift, commercial oven and dual gill which lead to reduce the cooking time and keep consistency in food preparation. As result, quick service restaurants was achieving highly efficiency, high quality and improvement in performance by adopting the technology system in the restaurant (Noone Coulter2012) Furthermore, Ninemeier (2001) saying that beverage cost control system maintaining standard by using standard beverage recipe including taste and appearance, specify ingredients, garnish and drink size. Then portion control tool help to standardise the drink such as shot glasses, jiggers and automated beverage system that is dispense measuring quantities of alcoholic beverages. Also, Ninemeier (2001) stated that cash handling procedure handle by bartender; is a responsible person for holding cash and bar inventory. Additionally, Borchgrevink Anchill (,2003) explain that spillage and theft are caused by dishonest worker within the industries as result hospitality industry do not make any profit. Therefore, hotels installed computerised beverage control system provides financial date as well as consistency, quality and speed. As an important aspect of service oriented industry; hotel manager has to provide food and beverage training to staff that build the awareness of food cost, food quality and knowledge about the portion control method ( Borchgrevink Anchill ,2003). Energy cost control is a crucial factor within the hospitality industry. In service industries major energy consuming elements is air conditioning; energy can be saved by adjusting the air conditioning by having large windows and ventilation allows natural lighting and installed high quality insulation it approach to reduce cost and save energy. As per the research of Nizic,Karanovic Ivanovic (2008) in order to control energy consumption maximum hotels industry applied an intelligent room system, particular in hotel Sol Garden Istra . This system integrated energy and water consumption control as well as heating-cooling control and efficiency and Sol Garden Istra have great achievement by using intelligent room system ,thermal insulation of the hotel as well as carefully selection of lighting management and equipment, provide training to staff to increase their environmental awareness as result (Nizic, Karanovic ,Ivanovic 2008). In addition, Holiday Inn, Hilton, and Marriott also im plemented an energy efficient lighting program, and install an intelligent room system technology (Nizic ,Karanovic , Ivanovic 2008). Furthermore, Stipanuk (2001) stated that sustainability is critically business issue that is an essential requirement for the hospitality industry; hospitality expert encouraging sustainability because there are significant financial benefits for example changing lighting blub that use less energy and bathroom fixtures that limit water flow. Followed by, Stipanuk.(2001) founded that Bass hotel (Inter-Continental properties) had support the energy saving program by develop specific tactics to reduce the energy cost and usage. Inter-Continental has developed several step to sustain the energy such as outsource the laundry ,centralize the operation, install switched in convenient location, Install flow controllers for showers and aerators for sink faucets also place proper lighting and intelligent room system and roof insulation. As result, the 467 key Inter-Continental London has been saving 47 per cent in gas consumption and 22 per cent saving in electricity consumption and the 844 ro om hotel Inter-Continental Chicago has been reaping an annual energy cost saving of $250000 (Stipanuk,D.,2001). So that, government are offering award for industries that adopt energy saving initiatives as well as grant benefits are available for establishment who participate in the recycling programs or using sustainable energy source (Stipanuk, 2001). To conclude that, accounting is a mainly preparation of financial statement involve with transaction, budgeting and Cost controlling. It is process of measuring the amount of money, analysing the results, understanding them and make decision better. Accounting is a language of money by measuring cost control within the hospitality can industry through labour, food and beverage, energy cost control. By applying these measuring tools; hotel owners and managers have the information they need to optimize performance in every operational area, from food and beverage department labour control and energy control. They can reduce expenses, make profit and accommodate guests . Reference List: Borchgrevink, C, Anchill, D, 2003,’Beverage control system and the guest’s perspective: Standardisation and value,’ Journal of Hospitality Lesuire Marketing ,vol.10(1/2), pp.151-160,viewed 6th May2014,Ebscohost database. Coltman,M 1989,Cost control for the hospitality industry,2nd edn, Van Nostand Reinhold, New York. 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Friday, January 17, 2020
Christianity and Poverty Essay
Christian Aid was founded in 1945. In 1945 the members of the British and Irish churches were very shocked to see how hard life was for European refugees who had lost everything in the Second World War. In response to this, they new that something had to done about it. By making this decision, they managed to raise one million pounds to help these people. This group became known as Christian Aid. Everywhere in the world there are people whose lifes are hardly worth living, people who are in a desperate struggle for the basic needs of life. This is why Christian Aid was founded, to help try and give people a better state of living. Christian Aid helps out in emergencies around the world whenever it can, when people are plunged into terrible situations, as families were in Afghanistan during the war in 2001. Christian Aid usually sends money to local organisations who can then buy food or provide shelter for other communities. Also Christian Aid works on issues from healthcare to human rights, from support to landless peasants in Brazil to ending child labour in India. A project which I think is important is the BBC project. This is a very important project because it enables young people like Bumeh to piece together their lives and start having fun again. Every year, the Burmese Border Consortium brings food and basic education to around 120,000 refugees in 14 different camps along the border and campaigns on their behalf. I find this project very important because it helps a lot of people have a better way of living. This also is a big help for the future generation because more people are being educated and in this way, more people will continue to be educated. Christian Aid does this work in order for Christians who want to put their faith and beliefs into action to do so. Christian Aid is the main relief and development agency in the UK and Ireland. Although it was inspired by the gospel, it is not the case that it is solely for Christians. Christian Aid works with partners and supporters of many different faiths. The most important thing is that Aid is distributed on the basis of need, and regardless of religion, race, faith, creed or nationality. Some of these quotes explain why Christian Aid came into being in the first place, James 2:14-26 â€Å"Christians believe that faith and beliefs should be demonstrated in practical ways to help people in need.†and John 3:23 â€Å"Christians believe that God loves everyone in the world and that they should show this love too. They believe that Jesus is the role model for living your faith.†In all, I think that Christian Aid is a very sucessful organisation which benefits a lot of people all over the world. Christian Aid gives many people the opportunity to live life in a much better way of living. It gives people a chance, who would otherwise have never got the chance to improve their life. Also it allows people like us to help raise money for Christian Aid and lets us feel good about ourselves because we have done something for a very good cause. Therefore, I think Christian Aid is for a very good cause because they believe that we all have the power to make changes and they help to make many peoples lives much happier. After all what may seem to us as not a lot of money, can come out with life changing results for some people in the world. eucerin
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Colleges vs. Conservatories for Music Majors
When it comes to higher education, prospective music, and theater arts majors have three choices. They can attend a conservatory, try a university or small, private liberal arts college with a strong performing arts department - or opt for that happy medium, universities with conservatories. There are so many decisions and schedules to ponder when applying to college as a music or theater major, but this ones crucial. Here Are the Differences Some large universities, including UCLA and the University of Michigan, boast strong music departments and all the benefits and lifestyle choices a large university offer – football games, Greek life, dorms and a wide variety of academic courses. But music majors who dreamed of a math-free existence may be in for a rude surprise. Double check the general ed (or GE) requirements before holding that no-calculus celebration.By contrast, small college-level conservatories such as the Manhattan School of Music, Juilliard and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music focus exclusively on the arts. Everyone is a music or theater arts major, and competition, even after admission, tends to run high. In addition to music, theory and music history courses, students take humanities and writing classes. Some conservatories offer foreign language and/or music business courses, but you won’t find Anthro 101 here or sports (although some conservatories have arrangements with nearby un iversities – Manhattan School of Music students, for example, can take English at Barnard College across the street, and they can use the athletic facilities at Columbia). You won’t get the prototypical â€Å"college experience†here – no frats, no â€Å"Big Game.†And watch out for housing issues. Manhattan and Juilliard have dormitories, but Mannes’ housing is spread out over New York City, and the SF Conservatory has no dorms at all. Check out this list of the top 10 conservatories in the U.S.And finally, there is the conservatory within a major university option. The Thornton School at USC and the University of the Pacific, for example, have conservatories on campus, which give students both the intensity of the conservatory experience and that sense of â€Å"college life.†For some, it becomes a balancing act. Some students have trouble balancing their GE requirements with the considerable conservatory commitment, but it depends on the school and the individual. Visiting the schools and taking a look around are essential steps in making a decision. But start by doing some preliminary research online or at one of the performing arts college fairs hosted by the National Association of College Admissions Counselors at venues across the country. Check out the College Fair 101 survival tips before you go.
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